Mission and the purpose of a woman: why it is so important and you need to realize the message laid by nature


You can talk about the mission and the purpose of a woman in a different way. It can be a colleague, girlfriend, wife, beloved, sister, an object of admiration and imitation. This list can be continued.

However, imply a good professional, a friend, ideal, you can miss the deep essence of a woman. In the Ancient Indian Vedas, the word "Deva" itself was translated from Sanskrit as "Divine". It is also mentioned that the woman feels more acute than a man, his mind is sharper, and the instinct of self-preservation and survival gives more endurance. God gave a woman the divine gift - chastity, so it can withstand the temptations and smoothing. The moon is the heavenly body, the energy of which personifies the feminine. From his night patronage, a woman receives variability, sensuality, developed intuition. A woman reacts to various situations, avoids the conflict and cares, just as sea waves come, they are cast from sushi. The relationship of a woman with nature is inseparable, it is no coincidence that its biorhythm is synchronized with the moon. Communication with nature is manifested at the level of feelings, emotions, instincts of self-preservation and continuing. The right were our ancestors who did not seek to influence the female nature, teaching her daughters to hunt or forcing them to stand up on the defense of the native focus. From infancy, girls defended, holly and pampered. Daril's daughters gave gifts, bought expensive clothes. So from the small years, an understanding of the special nature was formed, the ability to take women's nature with dignity.

A woman is an organizing center around which the family value system is being formed. It is on it that is responsible for which her family will be, what moral landmarks will be transferred to children. Calm, balanced woman can provide its child energy for growth, prompted to success. Only a woman can give life. And it is during the period of pregnancy that she especially needs to care, affection, attention, support and love. It must organize a man for her. His energy is different, like the Sun, which will warm, dispels darkness, but can also burn, the man is straightforward, prone to active actions, is not afraid of collisions. However, it is on the basis of this that the harmony is formed between the multidirectional energy principles. Remember the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol, two fundamental energies interact in it - men's and female.

The primary task of a woman is to keep harmony and peace in his family. The image of the mother is decisive in the formation of the child's personality, is not so important, the son is or daughter. But in the twenty-first century, to realize its purpose for a woman does not mean only to limit the management of the economy and the birth of children. If it is able to be useful to society without infringing close ones, then it can be done.

If career ambitions, the desire of self-realization begins to influence the fact that a woman has difficulties in partnership and motherhood, it is worth thinking about their original task. The mission of the woman - to increase, cultivate, continue, take care, save and give. If you came to this world a woman, then it is worth remembering it more often - this is the gift of nature.

A woman should not become a getter, but to teach his companion, how and where to bring "mined", it can quite. The moon gave a woman flexibility and mobility, it makes it possible to seek the goals not by force, but wisdom.

True female destination is to be happy, loving and beloved. The power of a woman in her weakness, so why not use the opportunities to be a woman, since the universe took us on this energy?

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