AREOLA tattoo: all "for" and "against"


Agree, the chest should be beautiful not only in shape, but also visually, which means that undressing, you should not be shying how your arolam looks like. Of course, the testimony to the dermotatudas of Aregol (Tatuaa Areola) breasts are aesthetic and directed, above all, to ensure that the woman felt even more beautiful, attractive and sexy.

For example, you can experience awkwardness from the fact that the area around the nipples you have some colorless, which creates the complexes. Another reason is skin diseases, one of which is vitiligo, leading to disorders of skin pigmentation. The pretext may also be the natural asymmetry of the area of ​​the nipples. It would seem that small aesthetic flaws in such a sufficiently intimate zone, however, they are the cause of uncertainty in themselves, complexes and even problems in personal life. The Areal Tattoo helps to solve not only aesthetic problems, but also psychological, returning confidence in themselves.

A separate group of patients can be attributed to those who in the nearby past resorted to increasing mammoplasty with the help of silicone implants. In our country, it is particularly popular that it is a perialaolar way of increasing breast - when surgery and the installation of the implant occur through the incision around the Area. This method allows you to minimize the number of postoperative scars - they remain mainly in the area around the nipple and are therefore less noticeable than with other variants of mammoplasty when the incision is made, for example, under the breast. Nevertheless, after the endoprosthetics, most women want to get rid of any consequences of interference and disguise the scars in the area of ​​the Area. One of the most reliable and safe ways is the dermotuating of Areol.

Who is the tattoo of Areola?

Who is the tattoo of Areola?


Dermotatuage Area is also shown after a mastectomy or after breast recovery using implants: it allows you to almost completely restore the pattern of the color of the AREOLA.

In some sense, the Tattoo AREOL helps to visually solve the problem of the sampling of the mammary glands in ptosis of the I degree, when the ptosis is not so much expressed, and the amount of breast is sufficient.

TO Minuses of procedure Dermothatua can only be attributed to the wrong choice of a specialist and the cabin, where you turned. Keep in mind that the tattoo salons use their coloring substances that do not always look natural. Masters of permanent makeup apply other pigments that help to achieve a more natural and natural shade. It is very important that the master is a real professional, because such a delicate area requires more than attentive attitude towards himself.

TO Proms of the procedure You can include the absence of a large list of contraindications. In patients after mammoplasty there is a kind of bonus - all surveys have already passed and the necessary tests are passed. As for the rest, they can serve as a pregnancy, a period of lactation, blood disease, a tendency to form scars, oncology, noncompensated diabetes mellitus.

The dermotuage procedure belongs to the category of safe. During her, the patient does not feel pain, but, by his desire, the master can make you a local anesthesia - crest anesthetic is most often used. As such, the restoration period after the tattoo is there is no: maximum is wearing applications for 4-6 hours after the procedure, then wiping the area of ​​the area by any alcohol-containing agent for faster healing. A visit to the pools, saunas, solariums and, naturally, the beaches are not recommended.

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