Basque girlfriend published an intimate photo with an artist


It became known about the new novel by Nikolai Basque, who chose himself a bright brunette Sophie Kalchev in his girlfriend. Recently, the press appeared information that the lovers broke up. Apparently, Basque and Kachcheva tired of these rumors and photography in bed, they decided to place all the points on "I".

"What happiness to wake up together and fall asleep when there is time to stay together!" (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit) - Made a signature to the photo of the artist girl. Basque fans came to delight from this picture, admired the beauty of lovers and wished them a speedy wedding. But those who considered Selfie a specially thought out photo shoot, because on the face of Sophie delicate, imperceptible, but make-up. "They wake up straight straight))))) Oh, that's just no need, knee, la-la ... It may well be shooting a new video for a new song -)))) I feel ... we will meet in bed floor of the eighth legs, you are when Makeup and I, of course, too, "wrote skeptical readers of the Microblog Baskov.

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