Stas Sadalsky asked for forgiveness


Five days ago, Stas Sadalsky with high pressure came to the 3rd central military hospital. A. A. Vishnevskogominof the Russian Federation. For some time he even lay in intensive care, and now the course of treatment is undergoing in the ordinary ward. Despite the hospital, Stas leads an active life in social networks. And all these days he was in a great mood, he joked a lot and told him with his characteristic humor about the hospital life.

With these clock, Sadalsky boasted two days ago, having considered that the life is short and need to pamper. Photo:

With these clock, Sadalsky boasted two days ago, having considered that the life is short and need to pamper. Photo:

"Three Marn Porridge plates have swallowed like a delicious. In childhood she hated, I leave. How is good to be rich and healthy than ... poor and sick. I send you installation on health and wealth. AMEN. Yes, it will be so "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - wrote the other day. But on June 22, the mood of Sadalsky changed dramatically. He published a snapshot of his wristwatches and wrote with sadness: "On June 22, exactly at four in the morning ... I woke up, sleeping in any eye, right now brought a dropper with an antibiotic. Lyubom to new boilers, still need to pour yourself to your beloved, how much of that life remains !!! "

Yesterday, the actor told about the cold happened to him: "Yesterday, it sausages 38 temperatures, I got a German magic capsules spent the night in the sweat and recovered."

A snapshot with a cross donated by the Patriarch of Georgia Elijah, and the Moluba actor about forgiveness was very frightened by his fans. Photo:

A snapshot with a cross donated by the Patriarch of Georgia Elijah, and the Moluba actor about forgiveness was very frightened by his fans. Photo:

And today, Sadalsky laid out a photo with an impressive silver cross on his face and asked for all the forgiveness: "I forgive you, and you forgive me, for everything that sometimes didn't do it, I ask you not to reproach me, I did not want to offend you in any way." . After such an appeal, the fans immediately began to calm the artist and assure in their love. "Well, I start to worry about something !!! Stop sick! Can oranges bring? How do you feed then? Hamon does not offer, it is impossible! Somehow scrubbing, although repentance is the wrapping effect. Let's get well. We need us (I have not yet done, misappropried the masses) you need yourself. All the angels to help you and recovery, "it is written in the comments. True, many considered that it is not worth the joke with a curler. In justification, Stas said that this cross was presented by the Patriarch of Georgia.

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