Anita Tsoi met his dreams?


As Anita Tsoi herself told, she can't live and the day. Since the singer has a tendency to complete, exercise for it is a prerequisite for maintaining the harness and beauty of the body. In addition, it allows you to bring muscles into tone, because the singer loves to wear tight outfits. The experience of Tina Kandelaki was so inspired by Anita that she decided by anything to find her perfect coach. And, apparently, she succeeded.

Anita Tsoi prefers classes in the fresh air, but the services of such a coach could not refuse. Photo:

Anita Tsoi prefers classes in the fresh air, but the services of such a coach could not refuse. Photo:

"I am not a simple passenger, in sports is experienced. Therefore, three coaches, to whom I applied earlier, I did not fit and even scored a desire to go to the hall. This guy in the photo came today in the hall, saw me and slapped that there is forces in my vigorous. "You are a woman without a body," he said. I barely restrained from the perturbation. "And I could be a goddess" - he added. On that he decided. Let him try to blind me. He says he can. I'm open and there is a desire, but It is necessary to work for a complete. Come on, Ed, show what is capable of what is capable of, and I will again risk. Suddenly you have a coach of my dreams "(the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - wrote an Anita on his page.

Fans of the purpose of Anita, definitely liked. The main thing is that the husband is not jealous.

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