What is dangerous "office syndrome"


It would seem that can be dangerous in bright, warm office for a modern person? Doctors explain: air conditioned air, artificial lighting, constant work with a computer and a sedentary lifestyle. It is these factors that accelerate the aging of the body.

It is believed that the person sitting in front of the computer suffers most of all the eyes, spine and wrists. Therefore, experts recommend every 45 minutes should be broken from the monitor. To the eyes rested, it is best to approach the window and see in the distance. If there is no such possibility, you can close your eyes and massage the eyelids with palms. In order for as little as possible the spine and hands, you need to properly adjust your chair: your hands and legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the tilt of the back forward is allowed to be completely small - 20 degrees, elbows should always lie on the table. Of course, not everyone is capable of charging at colleagues, but you can walk before the toilet or at least printer. At the same time, engage in circular rotations shoulders and hands, turning torso. At home, it would be nice to do the well-known exercise "Boat" when lying on the stomach you raise hands and legs at the same time. Exercise perfectly strengthens the back muscles.

Central heating, air conditioners and the breath of a large number of employees make air in the office very dry. If there is an opportunity, then you need to regularly ventilate the room. It is better to wear thermal water with you and once every 3-4 hours spray face. You also need to drink simple water. Not tea or coffee, but it is water. So the skin will dry less. An ideal option can be called the purchase of a moisturizer, but they are unlikely to be put in all rooms. Help the air can house plants.

During lunch, it is better to leave your workplace

During lunch, it is better to leave your workplace

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Another problem is the wrong food. Not everyone can allow spending 200-300 rubles daily on business lunches. Therefore, most of us take sandwiches and lunch while sitting in front of the computer, drinking food with sweet tea or coffee. Experts give in this case a unambiguous answer: instead of sandwiches to take nuts, dried fruits or fruits and vegetables. If there is an opportunity, then during dinner it is better to leave your workplace, as you sit down in front of the computer and continue to read something on the screen. If the office has no equipped kitchen or facilities for meals, you can take a walk in a warm time on the street or go to visit the neighboring office and dine there. Just as an option, you can take only soup instead of a business lunch. The main thing is not to sit still and there is a normal meal.

Also add a motor activity, you can abandon the elevator, go to the stop before or walking to the subway. If time and finance allow, it is best to go to the gym or pool three times a week, if there is no such possibility, then you need to charge every morning or stretching in the evening.

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