Son VS. Intimacy: As insomnia affects the quality of sex


Do you sleep well, living in a big city? We think that not always. The rhythm rhythm of the metropolis forces many to suffer insomnia either to fall deeply over midnight. In this case, the productive coming day does not have to speak, as well as about high-quality sex. Why is this happening? Why is sex no longer when problems with sleep begin in our life? Today we decided to talk about it.

Rest makes us more attractive

Undoubtedly, appearance plays the last role in attracting a partner. The absence of high-quality sleep leads us to the Cabinet of the Cosmetologist, who has to help us get rid of the manifestations of the lack of sleep like dark circles, skin that lost the natural shade, swollen eyelids and many other aesthetic trouble. Sleep for 7-8 hours allows you to prevent similar problems. Swedish scientists even conducted an experiment: People showed photos of potential partners who have no problems with sleep and those who sleep for 4 hours a day. The absolute majority came to the conclusion that the photo of people with a lack of sleep attracts much less.

It is more difficult for you to flirt

It is no secret that the playful mood is 70% of success during flirting, it is impossible to flirt without mood. If we do not fall out, as a rule, there is no mood for anything, the desire to pay attention to the partner is somewhere in the penultimate place, and therefore good sex also goes to the background, if all the thoughts about how to sleep.

Conflicts begin

This time, the study was carried out by American scientists who found out that chronic lack of sleep is one of the main causes of conflicts that could not be if your sleep had not suffered. In addition, any sexual problems man with a lack of sleep is trying not to decide, but to postpone. The accumulation of problems and negativity will sooner or later fall into the grand scandal.

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Good sleep = good sex

The decrease in the libido is often directly related to the quality of sleep, especially when it comes to women, for which the emotional setting in front of the process itself is important. In addition, psychologists found out that a long sleep, at least 8 hours, contributes to the development of greater sensitivity of erogenous zones on the body of both women and men.

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