Shining face: mission


A good complexion has always been appreciated in society. Women with smooth healthy, skin color without rashes, always considered pretty and lightening health. But with the modern rhythm of life on the faces of beautiful sex, there are dark shadows from the lack of sleep, then pimples from not too useful snacks.

Significantly improve the condition of the face will help a small trick. If used for wiping a face is not terry towels, but disposable paper. Microbes do not dig for them, so the amount of redness on the face decreases sharply.

Consumerly act on the color and quality of the skin. Contrast procedures: Washing with alternating cold and hot water, rubbing the face with ice cubes. But be careful: if you have Cuperoz, such thermal experiments should not be set without consultation with a beautician.

Another excellent way to revive the complexion is to make a massage. Massaging the skin, use the base oils for better sliding, make motion from the bottom up and try not to stretch the skin strongly. A good effect will be given even a few lungs on the cheeks after each application of the cream.

Do not forget about the famous folk recipe from dark circles under the eyes. Place the used tea bags used on the eyelid area and hold for 10-15 minutes. The skin of this zone will be toned.

Positively affects the face of a glass of water with lemon, drunk on an empty stomach. First, it helps the skin to remain moistened, and secondly, the vitamin C is necessary for beauty and health.

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