Zhanna Friske: 10 moments from the life of the singer


Pope Singers Vladimir Borisovich presented his daughter talent. He himself was a musician, sang well and before the opening of the business worked in the CDRI. And Olga Vladimirovna's mother gave her daughter her beauty. Zhanna had a twin brother, who died on the second day after birth. According to parents, his daughter tried to live for two: for himself and for his brother.

At the age of 13, Zhanna offered to play in the cinema, in the drama "My sorrows", which came out on the screens in 1989. But the girl preferred to gymnastics, since all her free time occupied classes at the school of the Olympic reserve.

Mom of the future star Olga Vladimirovna, Little sister Natalia, Zhanna and Papa Vladimir Borisovich. Photo: Personal family archive Zhanna Friske.

Mom of the future star Olga Vladimirovna, Little sister Natalia, Zhanna and Papa Vladimir Borisovich. Photo: Personal family archive Zhanna Friske.

The passion for the girl ballet and ballroom dancing led to the fact that Friske was invited as a choreographer to the newly created group "Brilliant". It was 1995. At that time, Zhanna studied at the Humanitarian University at the Faculty of Journalism.

In May 1997, the producers of "brilliant" Andrei Shlykov and Andrei Grozny invited 22-year-old Jeanne to become the fourth participant of the women's team. So Friske became the soloist of the "Brilliant" group.

When Zhanna was a teenager, her parents started a shepherd puppy. But soon the dog seriously fell ill. The veterinarians said that the animal had no chance, and offered him to sleep. Zhanna did not agree with the opinion of the doctors and decided that herself would cure his pet. She did not leave the puppy around the round day and as a result he went out.

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In the group "Brilliant" sang and sister Zhanna Friske Natasha. In 2007, the team was collected by the full composition, and both sisters were on the stage. In the photo: Nadia handle, Olga Orlova, Julia Kovalchuk, Anastasia Osipova, Ksenia Novikova, Natalia and Zhanna Friske.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev met on the set of the Program of the Republic of the Republic in 2011. For a long time, young people hid their relationships and argued that they are just friends. In December 2012, it became known that the lovers will soon become parents.

At 4 years old Zhanna baptized. According to church canons, this is considered fairly late, as the baptism of babies are trying to 40 days from the date of birth. The rite was held in the Elohov Cathedral on Baumanskaya, who at that time was considered the main temple in the country. Then the girl was given the name Anna during baptism. After 37 years, Joan fled in the same place in the temple.

According to friends, Joan was a very believer man and often went to pray to the relics of Saint Matron. Interestingly, the sister of the star Natalia Mother-in-law spammed by the icon of the Saint Matronushka beaded. Natasha received a gift a few hours before the death of Zhanna.

For the Annunciation, April 7, 2013, Zhanna Friske became a mom. The singer gave birth to the USA, in Miami. From Russia, she left a few months before birth, so that they were not disturbed by journalists once again. And closer to the joyful event, the parents of the artist and Dmitry Shepelev flew to America. The baby was born with a rich, about 4 kilograms weighing. Mom and dad called him Plato.

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They say that Dmitry Shepelev managed to make a proposal of his hand and the heart of his beloved. And Zhanna replied "yes."

Lilia Charlovskaya

They say that Dmitry Shepelev managed to make an offer to his beloved and she answered him "yes." It happened on July 8, for the last birthday of Zhanna.

Stars remember Zhanna

Dmitry Shepelev: "We have always repeated:" Happiness loves silence. " I remain faithful to these words, because Jeanne remains absolute, clean, unique happiness. "

Ksenia Alferova: "We were not close friends, but when I read the news of the death of Zhanna, sitting at the airport, burst out, could not restrain! We met on the "Ice Period". When I remember Zhanna, then the first feeling that occurs is incredible warmth! When she was near, then you somehow impertled for myself. I began to say quieter, less, I wanted to just be close, there was warmly warm, calm and cozy. Such she always had a real, wise and cordial. I caught myself thinking that I wanted to be in something similar to Jeanne. Such a feminine, soft, whole. She dreamed about the child for so long and was, I think one of the best moms in the world. "

Tanya Tereshina: "I will always remember you so smiling! I am indescribably lucky to work with you! Thank you for being in my life! This woman is from the head to the tips of the fingers! I wanted to be like it. "

Anna Semenovich: "I was lucky to know you and work together, I was lucky to listen to your wise tips of the elder girlfriend and laugh in unison. There are very few such wise, good and deep people in the world, and when they leave this world, it becomes very sad! "

Tina Kandelaki: "Naughty, live, infinitely good ... Your smile cannot be forgotten ... It seems that you are about to appear and say that everything is not so that you are with us, here ..."

Anfisa Chekhov: "The news of the disease Zhanna turned my consciousness, thanks to this terrible event I started a new life and realized that there are things much more important than the race for glory, work, ratings, all this mouse this mouse !!! Thanks to you, Jeanne, I left a closed circle, from this Belich Wheel dear to nowhere! But I was waiting for a miracle! People are peculiar to faith in a miracle, otherwise somehow it is very sad to live ... I was waiting for him! But ... I know for sure, where you are now, so cool, so easy and light! Light stretches to the light !!! You really were another, always not like us! And I always wanted to be at least a little bit like you! Cute Zhanna, I cry for you, though I know that you are doing well there! Thank you for inspiration, awareness and the path that you sent me! I love and remember always. "

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