How not to react to children's tears


Even if you have several children, it is always difficult to react to children's tears. In many parents, they cause negative emotions, which is why they are breaking on a cry, and this only contributes to strengthening the hysterical of the child. So what about? The question is quite complicated, but we will try to answer it.

Determine the reason why the child cries

Understand that the children's psyche is very unstable, and therefore a child can react to any insignificant in terms of an adult event. Only when he becomes an adult, it will be easier for him to cope with the redirers, which in childhood seemed catastrophic. It is not yet able to cope with the conflict situation in any other way except crying.

Hug a child

Hug a child


Tears help to relax even the adult organism. Realizing the similarity of the processes, the parent is easier to understand why the child behaves like that. If he cries, it means, is experiencing a serious tension with which it cannot cope with another way.

Do not exacerbate the situation

Mom must keep calm in a situation where the child suddenly begins to capricious. Many parents become ashamed if their baby does not listen in a public place, from powerlessness, a young mother or dad falls on a cry, and here the situation acquires terrifying scales. Therefore, take a deep breath if there is an opportunity to leave in the nearby room, "Load" your emotions and then come back to calm the baby.

Try to switch it attention

Try to switch it attention


Do not drive a child

By sending a child to your room, you do not solve the problem. On the contrary, the child will feel his unnecessariness, and this does not contribute to consolation. When a child becomes older, he will not allow parents to interfere in his life, because he was once removed.

Instead of disungent from children's tears, take part in his problem. Just hug a child, it is not necessary to say something at all, your hug will already understand a small creature that it is not ignored.

Speak softer

Trying to calm the baby, tell the muted voice without sharp intonations. Do not demand anything: the child is not obliged to stop crying at your request, he just can't do it. Try talking the baby, ask what, in his opinion, happened, and what would he want. Let me understand that you understand his condition and do not condemn.

If the crying is caused by the injury, you do not need to instantly begin to handle the wound with antiseptics, first calm the child, then proceed to the procedure.

Do not leave a child alone with your problems.

Do not leave a child alone with your problems.


Distract the child

Try to apply such a reception: if the child is crying and still does not stop, try to make a conversation about how he sees the way out of the current situation. However, there are situations where the child just needs to be flushed, then give him time.

Do not prohibit cry

Crying is a natural reaction to stress. It helps the body to cope with the voltage. As you understand, it is impossible to prohibit react to stimuli, accept this children's reaction as a fact and do not force the child to feel guilty.

Men are crying too

"Little Men" also have the right to feel. The erroneous behavior of mothers is to declare that "a man is not crying." Trying to reduce the tears of the son, you still just drive it into the complexes, forcing all the emotions to keep in yourself, which is extremely negatively affecting the mental body.

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