Anna Dubovitskaya is waiting for a girl!


"I went to ultrasound several times, but the baby turned all the time so that it was not able to understand who lives there, I could not succeed! I was terribly interesting, although not fundamentally. What could not be said about my husband - he really wanted a guy! " - Quoted by Dubovitsky "7 days." Her husband Anna Sergey already has a daughter from the previous marriage, so he dreamed of his son.

All familiar artists were also confident that Anna is waiting for the boy, because the singer almost recovered and retained her beauty. Dubovitskaya told: "The husband looked after the stores toys for boys, dreamed, how to walk with him on football. I was also sure that I would have a boy. We even came up with him the name - Elisha. "

But at the next ultrasound, the child stopped "tormented" his parents and showed himself in all the magnificence. It turned out that Dubovitsky is waiting for a girl.

"Of course, I was very surprised. And then it was afraid - how do I tell my husband about it? But Sergey perceived the news with joy, taking the honest word from me that the boy will be owned by our second child. I promised! " - Anna said.

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