How to settle conflicts at work


In the tense atmosphere, on the eve of the annual report or season of vacations, sometimes it happens that emotions are glowing to such an extent that someone from colleagues can break on you, or you are on it. It is important to settle the conflict as quickly as possible to avoid unpleasant consequences. We tell how to do it:

Apologize for flalessness

The main enemy of any person during the conflict is the inability to restrain emotions. Any problems need to be solved with a cold mind, and not sneaking. If you understand that the stick was overloaded - too rude or insulted a man - apologize. It will not make you weak and unable to respond for their words, but on the contrary, will show as an adult intelligent person who can recognize the error. In hencefight, follow the words, because any accidentally traveled word can turn against you when the rumor about the dispute comes to the bosses. Never proceed to personality - you can not compare people, cut them for appearance and social status, speak badly about their surroundings, even if you are familiar with someone from this person's loved ones.

Offer to find a way out of the situation

Any conflict is considered unbroken until the parties decide the differences associated with him. Offer a colleague to discuss the issue of a cup of coffee - surely he will agree. Inconsider it to the first to express his position - so you can evaluate the arguments prepared by you and understand whether they are justified by real facts or not. If the third party participated in your conflict, which, for example, has spread unpleasant hearing about you, add it to a conversation. Every person must be responsible for saying - let the gossip confirm or refute the words they said.

Be kind and smile

We do not encourage you to "push" a smile if a person is really unpleasant. However, in communicating with a colleague, if there was no disagreement before, staying on a friendly note. Remember that everyone is intended to make mistakes and anyone has the right to personal opinion. Most likely, when you talk with him, it does not have an unpleasant sediment - the splashed emotions will reduce the conflict situation. Who knows, maybe soon you will become close friends? No need to put a cross on communicating because of one quarrel.

Stand in the team of unlawful rules

If you take the role of the head, not subordinate, then you have the right to establish special rules that employees must comply with. For example, do not gloom and not gossip in the office - let all personal problems are taken out for the walls of the organization, in order not to create inside the intense situation. Also agree that the whole team is one big team, not rivals. For this reason, it is important to maintain a valid attitude towards each other and try to help everyone. It is better if the emerging conflicts will be solved with your presence so that you act as an arbitrator - and as a boss, and as a colleague, and as a friend.


Any events where the team may rally go to him. Corporates, public holidays, birthdays, weddings and joint trips to nature - all this will allow colleagues to get to know each other better and find like-minded people. It is no secret that many couples begin close communication right at work - it is not worth it to impede. After parting, many themselves change their work, so it will not be your problem. And successfully established unions will only strengthen the team, providing it with two permanent employees - family couples who encountered at work, usually continue to work together for a long time.

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