A good mood is born in ... intestines


Serotonin is a hormone, which is often called "Hormone of Happiness." When it is produced enough - the mood is good. If serotonin is not enough - life seems gray and dull.

It turns out that the amount of serotonin produced strongly depends on what we eat. So, a number of products almost blocks the production of this hormone. And, it is surprising, there are foods that we often buy ourselves to improve your mood.

Almost all pastries and sweets interfere with the organism to produce serotonin. They contain margarine and food dyes that interfere with the production of hormone. By the way, sugar also worsens the mood. So try to avoid sweetened food, including dry breakfasts and muesli.

The dietary cola does not contain sugar, but it has aspartame, having a similar action.

Salted crackers, chips and crackers are not at all useful. The list of unwanted products can also be made of sausages and fast cooking noodles. The glutamate sodium, which is in them, also prevents us from being in a good mood.

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