How to complete an unpleasant conversation


You met with a person, seemingly nothing foreshadowed, but it happens that the conversation from the most harmless turns into a tight and unpleasant. Your interlocutor can start asking such questions that should not be lifted at all, and in this case you need to correctly put a person in place. People simply do not understand that the personal space is broken. What to do?

It is not necessary to try a grandiose conflict about this, just limit the phrases that will not allow the conversation to continue in a negative key.

Perfect attempts to invade personal space

Perfect attempts to invade personal space


I do not need advice, thanks

Imagine that you came out to walk with a child, and here a stranger comes up to you and begins to teach how to wear a baby in such cold weather, and in general you, in his opinion, did everything wrong. Or a woman is suitable for you and will talk, as you do not have a hair color. In order not to climb a quarrel and do not spoil the mood, thank the person and firmly forbid you to interfere in your life.

Thus, the conflict can be considered exhausted if a person is silent and most likely will go away. This method also works with inboard relatives.

Personal life is because it is called not to discuss her with you

"When will you give birth?", "Marry something will you go out?", "How much can you learn?", "When will you get serious about?" - What we often hear in youth from more "experienced" in these matters of people, most often from women. But such questions will never ask a tactful and decent person. Do not be afraid to show yourself from an unsightly side - you are entitled to protect your personal space and life from obsessive attention from the side, and it does not matter how noble the impulse of your opponent.

let us understand that the conversation is unpleasant you

let us understand that the conversation is unpleasant you


We are now on emotions, let's postpone the conversation

It happens that the conversation is becoming increasingly emotional, the tone rises, and you are in step by saying something very unpleasant, which will have to regret in the future. Take a deep breath and try to calm down. It is desirable to transfer further conversation at the time when emotions and feelings are kicked. Yes, and the source will have time to take himself in hand.

Tell me already that you want me from me than I can be useful to you

Suppose the interlocutor begins to pour into you the flow of unreasonable reproaches and complaints. In this case, the phrase works fine. The interlocutor was hardly harvested by a detailed answer to your question, so for a while he will shut down to pick up words, and you will have a tuning from the "Avalanche" of the negative in your address. However, if it does not help, simply break the conversation with the words "I don't want to continue."

obsessive attention annoys all

obsessive attention annoys all


This conversation is unpleasant to me, I'm not going to continue it

This phrase is appropriate in the case when your interlocutor affects the topic that you are not going to discuss with anyone at the moment. Often, unnecessary relatives climb unnecessary to their business, ready to share "invaluable" knowledge in this area. However, only you decide, you need such advice or not.

You invade my personal space

Often this situation occurs with people who cannot say "no." At the very beginning of the conversation, it is important to designate the boundaries of the permissible. When you feel that the interlocutor completely disappeared or begins to bed, feel free to put it in place, believe me, your determination will make him think. In the end, communication should not turn into a situation where you just justify. Your psychological health is more important than unnecessary experiences.

Feel free to talk about what you do not like, because it is possible to protect your borders.

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