Russian Fashion Week: Zaitseva's Fame Show


At the Moscow Fashion Week, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, which takes place in the CMT Congress Center, Zaitsev Glory Shows are always key. However, 2012 became a sign: the designer celebrates a double anniversary: ​​the 30th anniversary of the house of fashion and half a century anniversary of their creative activity. In this regard, the organizers solved the entire first day of the fashion event to devote to the founder of the Russian Fashion-Industry. At the show was presented a collection of the Matra "Association" of the Autumn-Winter Season 2012/2013. The designer retained the loyalty to the national theme: he presented dresses, costumes and coats with traditional Russian ornaments and a Scottish cell. It was also not without fur products - the girls in luxurious furs and fur coats caused the loudest explosion of applause. A spectacular addition of the presented collections of steel hats with wide fields. The key colors of the coming autumn-winter season, the fashion designer chose fuchsia, red, lemon and all shades of blue.

This year, the granddaughter of Zaitseva visited the podium. Marusya introduced two images at once. Both fashion designers picked up alone. However, like each model involved in the show. Also, Elizabeth Golovanova (Miss Russia-2012) and Alice Krylova (Miss Russia - 2010) were made as models.

Among visitors, the chief editors of glossy magazines were noticed: Evelina Khromchenka, Victoria Davydova and Marina Damchenko. The event was also visited by Nadezhda Babkin, Tatiana Mikhalkov and other stars of the Russian show business.

Note that today, March 22, their collections will demonstrate: Contrfashion, Tatiana Sulimina, I Love Fashion (France), Lena Trotsko, Basso & Brooke (United Kingdom) and the famous Russian fashion designer Dasha Gauser.

Recall that Russian Fashion Week is the main event in the field of fashion in Russia and the largest week of fashion in Eastern Europe. The event is held in Moscow for ten years twice a year - in autumn and spring. This time the Fashion Week will last in Moscow until March 25.

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