Johnny Depp: "I thought I loved, but now I doubt it."


From childhood, Johnny Depp was a classic difficult child. Having survived the divorce of the parents, the death of a beloved grandfather, a painful moving to another state, he, as it is called, went into all the grave. Already by twelve years, the rebellious teenager began smoking and tried all alcohol affordable to him, and to fifteen fascinated by drugs and was expelled from school. In general, I went on inclined. Fortunately, the mother of Johnny tried himself in time and gave the son-hooligan guitar. "If I didn't come to the music, when it was very young, I could completely die from overdose," said the mature depp later. He and today continues his musician career - for himself, as a hobby. With the actor, Johnny developed literally from the first roles: the young man accidentally met with the already famous in the eighties Nikolas Cage, and he persuaded the young man to try to the film "Nightmare on Elm Street". Since then, more than thirty years have passed, for which Depp managed to work with Jim Dzharmush, Roman Polanski and Emir Kusturica, to play in the iconic picture "Fear and Hate in Las Vegas", several times to be the most sexy man of the planet and the record holder of Guinness Books as The highest paid actor of modernity. DEPPA business card - Films Tim Burton, who provided him with star status, the first millions and loud awards. Well, and from the image of Captain Jack Sparrow Johnny could not move twelve years - in 2017, Sagi fans expect the release of the fifth film of the adventure series. However, for changes in the personal life of the idol, the fans are watching almost more closely than for his successes in the film industry. Parting with Vanessa Paradi (with which they lived together thirteen years), a quick marriage with a colleague Amber Hörd - the life of the 51-year-old Depp boils as in his youth. Pictures "Mordekay" and "Black Mass" will soon be released in Russian rental. In one of them, the viewer will have to see the "classic" depp - an eccentric and charming, in another actor will appear in an unusual image.

Johnny, looking at your career, it's hard to believe that all this success is an accident ...

Johnny Depp: "Yeah, I always wanted to be a famous guitarist. It was unclear, I would have become a cool musician, popular or not, but, to tell the truth, I was not worried about fame and money. I had far from perfect childhood. I was brought up - if this can be called upbringing - Hard: You do something wrong - they beat, do something right - beat. But my parents were not bad people, they did everything they could ... My mother grew up in shack, where the toilet was on the street, in a separate outgel. Worked as a waitress, considering every penny. Father spent all the time at the construction site. It is clear that in such conditions it is difficult to be good parents. And, of course, I was not up to dream of Hollywood. "

So there are no thoughts about the actor?

Johnny: "What are you, never! Never ever! The group in which I played the fifteen years, The Kids decided to move from Florida, where we were then lived in Los Angeles. And here there was a fateful turning moment. (Laughs.) The so-called adult life has opened for me - payment of the removable apartment, endless accounts, lack of money. You know, some actors from lack of money went to music and sought real success there. It's funny that it happened to me exactly the opposite. Then I worked everywhere where I could: in a cafe, in music stores, began to hang with one friend, it seems that his name was Nicholas Cage ... "(smiles.)

It is said that the long-term girlfriend Depp Vanessa Paradi became a medicine for actor from unhappy love with the Kate Moss model. Photo: Rex Features /

It is said that the long-term girlfriend Depp Vanessa Paradi became a medicine for actor from unhappy love with the Kate Moss model. Photo: Rex Features /

The same Nicholas Cage?

Johnny: "Oh yeah! We somehow met completely accidentally, gradually became friends. I knew that he was removed somewhere, sort of actor. And somehow he says: Hey, friend, why don't you try to one role? Almost nothing to do, I agreed somewhere came, I met the agent, I read something - and I was hired. All this seemed funny adventure, Halturoy, no more. So suddenly for everyone, and in particular for me, this long story began. "

And how did Johnny Depp changed for these thirty years of incredible success?

Johnny: "Yes, I'm the same as he was seventeen when I worked as a builder and a waiter. All these ambitions, star - curse for me. It is better to be hungry - in order to remain hope, there were dreams. After all, if you are ambitious, then you want to be famous. What is it for? Some people, getting all the attention, try to raise over people. I consciously went on the opposite path. The more hype around me, the fact that I am not smaller, I seem to myself. I want to hide. "

How did you cope with the popularity of you?

Johnny: "It was not easy, but now I am ready to share the secret. The fact is that first everything worries you and all - who and what will think about you, who and what will say. As will look at how to appreciate. Once I reached the boiling point, it seemed to me that I was going crazy, constantly caring about the opinion of the crowd. It was at that moment that there was a reboot, and I seriously asked myself a question: why, in fact, someone's words disturb me, why don't I do not care about them right now? Full exemption from other people's own robes and is a way to cope with glory. It would be good not to read any feedback about yourself - it will not do it better, but the nerves can sweep. Finally, I realized that when I saw one curious article about myself. Like, I flew in Miami for a secret date with Madonna, with which I had a passionate novel. The journalist painted in detail how I came to her mansion, ripped on myself a shirt, and we dived into her pool together. Wildness, especially if you consider that I am still not familiar with Madonna. "

Now you have returned to Hollywood after almost ten years of life in Europe. How do you like the rhythm of modern Los Angeles?

Johnny: "I remember somehow I gave a great interview, where I told why I don't want my children to grow in America. We subscribe to every word! Unfortunately, selfishness, ignorance and greed rule here. Once, moving to the south of France saved my mind from that terrible pressure, which provides the rhythm of the life of large cities per person. In my French house there are no phones so that endless calls are not distracted. When I'm there - I'm cut off from the world, and it's great. There I draw, read, play the guitar. Previously, I wrote real, living letters to my cumiram - Keroacha, Bob Dilan, Marlona Brando. Of course, at work I have to often be in Hollywood, but in Europe I feel much more comfortable. Hollywood is a car, animal, beast, ready to confuse you. "

It is strange to hear it from a person who starred in the cashier Hollywood blockbusters ...

Johnny: "Oh, I never worried all these box office charges, ratings, places in the box office and the like" adults "things. I like to be in ignorance about all these numbers, profits, success. I just do my job and leaving. Nothing changed in my life: I was not interested in wealth and other attributes of popularity, so not interested in this now. Once, one of my buddy told a stunning thing: money does not change a person, they just show who he really is. I hope my popularity showed me the present, and I didn't scare you and did not disappoint. "

Watch your own movies? Well, just in order to evaluate how they coped with a particular role.

Johnny: "My definite amount of time is reserved for all these things, no more and no less. Watch yourself on the screen is almost unbearable, so I can hardly appreciate how good I am or bad in the frame. Believe me, think about yourself as a celebrity - incredible humiliation. And the funny thing is when I was called the sexiest and so on. Of course, I am deeply flattered, but I absolutely do not understand this. In my opinion, there is nothing more pitiful for a man. "

Johnny Depp:

A series of films "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Alice in Wonderland" - the most commercially successful projects with the participation of the actor. .

And yet you have been awarded such a title with such a title, even now, when you hit fifty. Are not afraid to grow old?

Johnny: "I welcome old age, it's great. I know that at a certain point I will probably bring a back, I will start ridiculous to walk, falling on one side ... But it does not care at all. I remember, about thirty-seven or thirty-eight years, I thought, I thought: God, I already have so many years! Where does it all lead? What will happen when I knock the forty? Well, when it turned on the forty years, I seemed to have crossed the invisible threshold, freedom came from thoughts about age. You know, it is better to live to fifty, than not to live. (Laughs.) Of course, walking the night, I can no longer be able to walk, but, confess, I have never been a guy who loves long parties. "

How did you celebrate the loud anniversary?

Johnny: "Very quiet, with my children. We just decided to dine, nothing more, no fuss. For me, the idea of ​​celebrating birthdays is some kind of excessiveness, a ritual who clings you for a certain number. So fifty is just another date, the same as ten or twenty years ago. "

But for you this date turned into serious changes in life. Parting, new marriage, new love ...

Johnny: "What can I say? I had novels with many girls. Then I thought that I loved them, although now I doubt it very much. I felt something strong, yes, but love? I do not know. So now I can say one thing: I'm not sure that it is able to love someone forever, like this someone is unlikely to love me to a coffin board. Not sure that a person was created to spend all his life in a couple with one partner. Avenue agrees with this. Well, and Vanessa is a huge part of my life, my friend, my mother's mother. Perhaps, everything I said about love does not concern the children. I always love them. "

Johnny Depp:

Roman with the current spouse Depp Ember Herd rose on the set of a "Rum Diary" painting. Photo: AP images.

Recently, your daughter went into the world and produced Furore there. How do you feel about such early glory?

Johnny: "I really hope that Lily Rose adopted some features of my character, so as not to seduce about the crowd's delights. In general, when the children appeared with Vanessa, we tried to give them a maximum of our attention and heat. I remember how everything has changed when the daughter was born. The greatest moment - and these words are not enough. It seemed that all thirty-five years before that I spent in the fog, very strange and dark, and did not understand what my life goes. Everything was lit and fell into place with the advent of Lily Rose, and then Jack. They are those who I worship, who I admire. I want to be the best only in the same role - in the role of my father. I want them to grow up dreamers, and not cynos, like most of my peers. Well, or at least realists, but in no case are not sullen pessimists and grills. "

Okay. And let's talk about your image ...

Johnny: "So, if now we are talking about black nails - it's all the same Lily Rose! Her peculiar teenage revenge. I came to me somehow says: Dad, I'm going to make your nails, and you can not do anything about it. But in general, all these eyes are part of my experiment. In my opinion, almost every man tried to play with the cosmetics of my woman at home! Kidding. Fashionable critics, according to Amber, constantly blame me in the absence of taste. What do you say? Sorry, but I will never give up my beloved thermal power! (Laughs.) With a beard, generally a separate story. Do you even imagine how much effort does I have to grow to grow at least something, at least a pitiful bull of hair? If I shave, I then need months, and once even half a year in order to become bearded again. So my vegetation is my pride, even if she does not like glossy magazines! "

What are you looking at the future with? What are you waiting for him?

Johnny: "I know exactly what I want - calm, peace, freedom, pleasure and happiness. In general, I could talk a lot of words on this topic. So stop me (laughs.) ".

Agnia Lisitsyn

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