Correct bra carp


One of the main items of underwear is a very sensitive comrade. It can not be washed and even stored along with the rest of clothes. Many women neglect these rules, so the bra serves them less than it could.

We will tell you how to maintain and keep a bra that your service life is pleasantly surprised.

In no case do not dry underwear on the battery

In no case do not dry underwear on the battery



As we said, to wash the bra with the rest of the things is not recommended - only with your hands. Powder choose specially for delicate tissues. If you erase a new bra, first try to apply a powder on a small piece of fabric to see if there will be a divorce and proper screws from the powder. However, not everyone is ready to erase with your hands, in this case, purchase a special mesh for washing or choose the delicate Machine Machine mode. Before putting underwear into the car, button all the fasteners to avoid damage, and set the temperature not above 40 degrees, otherwise the underwear is deformed. The most important thing is a neat appeal, although with manual washing, even in the car.

Another popular error: dry underwear on the battery. You know, from which thin and delicate tissue are underwear, and now imagine what a negative effect will have a hot battery for such a fragile material. Highlight in the apartment (better in the bathroom) corner and drag underwear on the rope, away from hot pipes.

Ironing the iron is also not the best option. Just straighten the linen on the rope so that it does not reverse, and leave until complete drying.

Dark linen must be combined with dark clothing

Dark linen must be combined with dark clothing


How to store bra

As with washing, keep the bra is needed separately from the upper clothes. Select the underwear of a separate shelf or locker.

When collecting a trip, do not mantle and do not fold the cups in each other. In order for the bra to not lose the shape, put a tight bulb from paper inside each cup, only in this case the deformation does not threaten your bra. Folding underwear in a suitcase, put it in a separate package.

So, the basic rules for storage and washing:

- Manually erased either choose the delicate mode of the machine without pressing.

- Erase dark linen with dark, light with light, color with color.

- Choose washing powder without bleach.

- Wear dark bras under dark clothing and are bright, otherwise there will be ugly splashing on contrast linen.

- Cheap bra change every year. The option is more expensive last longer.

Underwear sews from delicate fabrics

Underwear sews from delicate fabrics


What to do is forbidden:

- You can not wear bras without washing more than 2 days. From constant load fabric loses elasticity.

- If you will pump underwear for a long time, it will gradually fade, and metal parts can rust. White underwear can be a little yellow.

- Under dark things, a bright bra can be slightly painted, if you wet the upper clothes, and the katovka dy up quite tediously.

- Do not squeeze or unscrew the underwear, you can only rinse with a dry towel.

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