Lena Lenin: Secrets of business success


"Who will tell with whom," say, "says the Russian proverb. So I try to communicate with millionaires. I really want to earn even more than today. And not with the heirs of daddy billions, but with the self-made themselves. They are smarter, stronger and enterprising. And each of my successful friends I study. I study how to become more involved and achieve a cherished billion someday. I tried to learn from billionaires, but they are so busy that I just began to cope with their ambitions.

And millionaire friends live relaxed, they sometimes even eat. And when you invite me to eat with them, I try to talk less and more chewing. In a sense, listen. After all, learning is easiest not in theory, on the Supreme Patterns of the post-Soviet pseudo-wishes, some of which turned into a dubious small business for the sale of diplomas, and on the experience of entrepreneurs who have already achieved financial success.

Ekaterina Cherkasova

Ekaterina Cherkasova

For example, one of my cool girlfriend, Ekaterina Cherkasova, his beloved wife and mother of three children, makes a major male business and leads the largest holding on the construction of cottage settlements. She built such famous of them as Cambridge on New Riga, Bristol on Kiev Highway or Marseille on Kaluga. Do you know what the secret of her success? She gets up at six in the morning and one and a half hours every day engaged in sports. Therefore, it is healthy physically and can make such a tremendous load as a big male business. At the same time, of course, it does not drink, it does not smoke and itifies it right. Therefore, the first secret of the success in business is "in a healthy body - a healthy mind."

Evgeny Schegolev

Evgeny Schegolev

The second secret of the success in business is the highest quality of your product, "I learned from communicating with the owner of the Light leader's company in our country, and maybe in the world, CentrsVet, Evgenia Shchegolev. At a distance, approximately, the space from the soil is the quality of its product from competitive. In motion, modernity and even, usefulness for the eyes. Manically careful in production and crystal decent in affairs, this young guy turned my idea of ​​modern businessmen. If it was possible to clone and place all other business segments on the leadership posts, our country would have become a quality paradise.

Tatyana Bagrintseva

Tatyana Bagrintseva

I spied the third secret of success at the girl who in the Russian business is affectionately kingdom of queen toilet bowls. What Tatyana Bagrintsev sells, you understand, but why she is a queen, explains it easily - her brain stopped in the whole children with a pompous state of absorption of everything new, and she continues to learn and raise the level of their professionalism every day. I finally killed me the news that she was discovered for thirty-eighth correspondence education - decided to receive an international designer diploma. And as you, I hope, guess, not for the sake of crusts. I would call this secret to "learn, learn and learn," as the great Lenin bequeathed.

Another secret to the achievements of millions I was drawn from another cool business woman - Vitaly Charlay, the owners of the concern of ceramic tile ceramics-prestige. The secret of her success is a job 24 hours a day for 7 days a week.

Vitaly Charlay

Vitaly Charlay

If you like to chat with hands with girlfriends or spend a weekend with kebabs, beer and fools, then you will never become a millionaire. Only constant and continuous labor leads to wealth. And another fragile slender girl with the male name Vitaly is very far awayly attracts family members into their business, and this talent is only units in business. After all, it is difficult to work with relatives, but such associates can be trusted as anyone. I will call this secret to "work around the clock and have a reliable team."

The secret of success in the title "Diplomatic flexibility" I was presented with my friend Sergei Zilina, the owner of a large furniture factory Genius Park. In business, there are many conflicts, sometimes very dangerous. And only the most polite, preventive, conscious, correct, kind, conspiring, compliant and delicate businessmen in negotiations get to the biggest vertices of the business pyramid. Sergey is so. In addition, it makes cool furniture.

Sergey Chelywis (in the photo on the left), Lena Lenin and Alexander Sychekov (in the photo on the right)

Sergey Chelywis (in the photo on the left), Lena Lenin and Alexander Sychekov (in the photo on the right)

But such an important element of success, as the will to victory, struck me to the depths of the soul, when I saw how optimisticly solve production, it would seem that the problems of my friends Sergei Chelyshev and Alexander Sychkov, the Kings of Concrete, Stairs and Cleansing Master. Persistence, passion to bring things to the end and the ability not to give up - the main qualities of all major businessmen. After all, the life of the leaders of a large company is a round-the-clock solution of the endless flow of questions and tasks. Continue to move along the knee in the mud under the sorrow of arrows from problems, you can only cover the shield of courage and will. Pessimists, Slyutai and weakli go with a distance in pursuit of a billion in primary schools.

Lena Lenin and Maxim Yarygin

Lena Lenin and Maxim Yarygin

And you know what made a simple guy from Kostroma Maxim Yarygin King Ban and the owner of the company Srub Stroy? Art sell. Any business depends on the virtuosity of sales and knowledge of marketing. Such phenomenal art masters sell, as my friend, are able to convince anyone, build a good relationship with the buyer, in love with your product and confidence in the seller and product. This skill can be learn to anyone who wants to become a millionaire.

If you allow, finally, the secret of my personal success in the business - I always do a manicure only in the network of manicure studies Lena Lenina, and I do not call some manicure girls from Maniqu.ru on the house. Or is it not a secret of success, and its consequence?

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