For whom you should not get married, even if it is very names


Every girl dreams to put on a white dress and say "yes" the man who was able to pick up the key to her heart. We close your eyes to the disadvantages of the chosen one in the hope that all this is the little things when love is between us. A few years later, I answer questions from a psychologist: "Young was stupid." But we come to such conclusions only when the top has already been launched: a wedding, pregnancy, childbirth, life, quarrels, thoughts about divorce. And once we assured our parents: "After all, this is true love!" Let's find out what kind of men should avoid, then not to treat the wound from a specialist.

The first category is people with serious mental problems and people suffering from all kinds of dependencies: Gamers, alcoholics, drug addicts and so on. It is not worthwhile to the illusions that you can save the lost soul. Most likely, this "soul" will take you to the bottom. Do not take responsibility for a person who may never change. Normal men in the world are quite enough, it's just worth working a little over yourself, our thoughts and life priorities.

Attacks of rage - a reason to think about whether it is worth creating a family with such a person

Attacks of rage - a reason to think about whether it is worth creating a family with such a person


The second category - men with a tendency to aggression and cruelty are, in fact, the same mentally unhealthy people. When a person without a good reason, a fury attack happens is an alarming bell. He was just a car sprayed or the waiter brought not that pizza - and he shouts, as if he was launched in his pants, and three hours after the "incident" continue to be angry and indignant. Of course, you can invent different excuses: he has nervous work, he is tired, etc. However, it is not worth hoping that in the future you have enough patience to listen to endless discontent. What you see at the initial stage of relationships can be safely multiplied by 20 - and you feel in what situation will be after 5 years of marriage.

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Do you share the ideas about the family of your boyfriend informal?


The third category is bad guys, marginal, which reject common values, taboo, live only in their laws and spit wanted to all. Bad guys, as you know, like girls. It is unusual, romantic, sexy. But are you sure that your family ideas coincide with it? Are you sure that when you tell him that you are pregnant, he will not be quitting on his "Harley" towards the horizon, without leaving you even addresses, where to write letters? He lives not according to the general rules, in his world, maybe this is exactly what the real men come. Therefore, be more inactive with all sorts of goths, bikers, panks. At least, we rub out how much it is entouge, and how much the condition of the soul and lifestyle. The fact that the guy's purple hair and tunnels in the ears are not a problem if he created his computer company to her 30 years old, built a house to his parents and is ready to create a family. This is the problem only if he did not create anything for his life, he lives at the expense of his parents and it's not going to sick with pleasure.

Watch how your chosen one tells about his wife

Watch how your chosen one tells about his wife


The fourth category is married men. Is it possible to start a relationship with them? The science is known when the banal adulter is converted into a second marriage. Even stories are known when the marriage turned out to be happy. But it should be borne in mind that the overwhelming number of married men turns mistresses at all in order to marry them. However, this circumstance does not prevent them from swear in love and scatter promises. If you believe this promises for some reason, then keep in mind that, according to statistics, if a married man does not divorce from my wife for a year, "he also does not divorce it with her, everything suits him. Listen to how he answers questions about his wife. If he becomes highly active, with hotness complains of her, scolding it - they say not about those who want to leave, but about those who love and try to remake. Emotionality issues that a man still values ​​the previous relations, no matter how heavy they are. If he does not remember about his wife, and answers the questions one-way, waving his hand, is already the best symptom, it means that it is not interesting to him. But it is not worth sharing: the indifference to his wife is not yet a reason to throw it. If he takes every weekend to the dacha, walks at the wedding at his wife's brother, goes with his wife and children to relax, but you only draw a multicolored future - are you sure that he is the person who is able to make you happy?

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