Cryolipolysis - a unique way of correction of the figure


Recently, techniques aimed at local removal of fat are becoming increasingly popular. After all, even people with normal weight almost always present the so-called fat traps - the locations of the fat in the form of different folds and pads, they can cope with neither exhausting diets or sports exercise. Local fat deposition someone interferes to undress on the beach, and someone - pick up our clothes (here hesitates, not sitting there ...). Previously, the only yield was surgical liposuction, after which there were traces of punctures from cannul, postoperative bruises, and the recovery period was very uncomfortable. At the beginning of our century, a group of American scientists began to actively study the reactions of fat cells on the case of cold. Based on the innovative developments of the Malitary Hospital of Massachusetts and Harvard University, they created a new method of fat splitting by cooling, which was called "cryoralipolysis". And in 2009, the Zeltiq apparatus appeared on the market, which became a real breakthrough in the field of non-operational elimination of fatty deposits.

In contrast to surgical liposuction, the cryohydolysis procedure is painless, comfortable and safe, which confirmed numerous clinical trials with the participation of volunteers. It does not require anesthesia, eliminates skin damage, there is no rehabilitation period, and immediately at its end it is possible to return to ordinary cases without interference. It is not surprising that this technology quickly gained popularity among doctors and patients around the world. Cryolipolysis can be called cold plastic, allowing to remove unwanted volumes, effectively and safely make a figure really flawless.

Cold calculation

Until now, doctors have tried fat cells extremely melted - using the effects of the laser, ultrasound or electricity. We are all accustomed to the idea that fat need to be burned by physical training, hot wraps, thermal massages and rubbing, hiking in the sauna, bath and other thermal manipulations. But thus gone fat returned.

In addition, the essence of many modern lipolytic techniques is reduced to mechanical, thermal or wave destruction of fat cells. Dead cells during decomposition (necrosis) can cause undesirable side effects - from an allergic reaction to an increase in body temperature and even poisoning.

All this can be avoided if you refuse the hot procedures in favor of the cold. Moreover, the conversation here does not go about some ultra-low temperatures and freezing the flesh, by no means. The processed surface of the body is cooled only to +25 ° C, which does not cause chills and does not cause the slightest harm to internal organs and the body as a whole.

Cryolipolysis meets all the requirements of efficiency, efficiency and delicacy of impact. So what happens directly with fat cells during a session?

"The local temperature decrease and the simultaneous slight squeezing of tissues cause hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of fat cells, and they need oxygen for normal metabolism," says Olesya Lipatova, a physiotherapist physiotherapist clinic and rejuvenation of Telo's Beauty. - Cooling leads to the fact that the cells filled with fat lose the safety margin and begin to crush, producing fat outwards from themselves, where macrophages pick up and proceed. The recycling products are then gradually derived from the body.

Using the lymphatic system and in the metabolism process. The absence of intensive emissions into the blood of lipolysis products allows you to use this method without load on the liver

And completely excludes allergies. The cold launches the program of the natural death of fat cells - apoptosis, since the fatty tissue is forced to be forced without adequate power (session for one zone takes about an hour). True, it does not immediately: the physiological elimination of fat exposed to low temperatures can last up to two months, but the first result will be noticeable enough. In the processed zone, the amount of fat cells decreases by 20-30% per procedure, and the gone fat will not return to the previous place (of course, if you observe a reasonable power supply and physical activity). On average, after each procedure, the fatty fold is reduced by 2-4 cm, but it happens softly and gradually. "

How does this happen?

During the session, the vacuum nozzle captures a large fold of the skin together with subcutaneous fat cells - a thickness of at least 2.5 cm ("smart" the device is so programmed that it will not work if the fold thickness is insufficient for safe influence). Inside the applicator there are special plates generating cold and provide deep cooling of the subcutaneous fat layer. A special gasket is placed between the applicator and the skin, the preservation of the skin from supercooling and providing uniform lipolysis. With the help of negative air pressure, a fat fold is drawn

And it is fixed reliably, after which a cold is served on the processed zone.

Only at the very beginning of the procedure in the patient there is a feeling of cooling, but it will soon pass. As already noted, the local skin temperature drops to about +25 ºС, so the procedure is transferred to the body well (sensations are quite comfortable), which you can not say about the fat cells that are scary not like cold.

Due to the fact that the session takes a long time, customers offer in advance armed with an interesting book, a laptop, smartphone or other benefits of civilization to pass from one to four hours per read, work, telephone negotiations. In the extreme case, you can conveniently get settled in the sitting position or lying and just take a nap - everything will do everything yourself. Creators of cryoralipolysis argue that the duration of the session and, accordingly, accompanying his boredom is the only minus method.

"Depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty fiber and the wishes of the client, it is carried out from one to three procedures at the interval in two months," Olesya Lipatova continues. - For two or three sessions, you can remove 6-10 cm volume in the waist, 4-8 cm on the hips and stomach. In total, about 30% of adipose tissue is due to the specific zone (something else should remain to maintain the normal functions of the body). It can be said that the Zeltiq apparatus is created for busy people who want to look good, but are not ready to go to the table to a plastic surgeon or spend all free time in the gym in the hope of overcome stubborn centimeters on the stomach and waist.

And yet it should be understood that cryolipolysis is directed to the local correction of problem areas and will be ineffective with general weight. In this case, you will first have to get rid of overall obesity using the correct power and regular physical exertion. Unfortunately, miracles do not have a magic pill, from which 15-20 extra kilograms disappear until they invented.

At a time you can process a zone of 20 × 20 cm, the session itself can last from one to four hours, that is, during this time, several problem areas requiring correction are exposed. These include the belly, the inner and outer surface of the hips (including the notorious "halifer"), Boca (waist), knees, zones under the buttocks and under the blades (women are most often faced with this kind of obesity). By the way, cryolipolysis is perfect for reducing the size of the "beer" tummy in men, so the strong floor increasingly draws attention to this way of returning a slender figure, especially when there is no time to workout in the gym.

With caution it is worth using cryoralipolysis in the forearm area, especially if you

Do not remember when the last time was pressed or took dumbbells.

The problem here is that the forearm fat left from the inner surface will leave excess skin instead of itself, which will be unsuccessfully saved. And the dream of open tops will remain a dream. Outputs from the situation two: 1) take care of the increase in muscle mass (but this zone is poorly inflating, in ordinary life we ​​practically do not use it); 2) In parallel with cryolipolysis, use other hardware techniques (thermal, RF-lifting), allowing to reduce the skin and return to it by the past. "

What's next?

For some time, redness can be preserved in the area of ​​the apparatus of the device the next day (no subcutaneous hematomas, edema or painful sensations, as it happens after surgical liposuction, in the case of cryolipolysis). In the next month or two patients will only observe how the treated area is gradually reduced in volume.

"After a session, the doctor advises the patient to adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition, do not smell-demand heavy, fatty food and alcohol, drinking as much of clean non-carbonated water, as the disintegration products are easier with the liquid," Olesya Lipatova notes. - No other restrictions: it is possible to do fitness in the usual rhythm, do any additional salon procedures. Especially good with cryoralipolysis combines various wraps and hydromassage. The latter acts perfectly activates the local lymphatic drainage and contributes to the speedy elimination of dead fat cells.

It is not necessary to spend in parallel with cryoralipolysis of mesotherapy, it is better to turn to it after a couple of months, if the skin will suddenly lose tone in the slimming zones. In general, the competent combination of cryolipolysis with other procedures and their alternation will help achieve excellent results and perfect figures, but it is not necessary to do without consultation of an experienced and professional dermatocosmetologist. "


The cryoilipolysis method refers to a high degree of security procedure. The unique technology of ZELTIQ apparatus completely eliminates the damage to the cold skin, nerves, vessels and internal organs. At home, in the United States, the procedure has received the FDA approval (Food and Drug Administration - the licensing office in the field of health and social services of the United States) and became known as coallypting, which is in translation of English, which means "cold-cooled".

The technique is recognized by 22.4% more efficient than other hardware procedures for the correction of fat deposits, and most importantly - much more gentle, since the decrease in adipose tissue is carried out gradually and without the formation of toxic decay products. Thus, the procedure does not cause the body any harm and actually reduces to zero possible side effects. For several years now, cryolipolysis has been actively used in the USA, Western Europe, China, Japan, and since 2010 it appeared in Russia, having passed the necessary state registration.

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