5 reasons to read every day


Remember when you last sat down in bed with a book with a book in your hands? Many people have love for reading limited by spilling news feeds or learning instructions on the boxes. And in vain! Reading is not a boring occupation, but an effective practice on the development of the brain and other bodies of our body. We tell why you need to get used to read every day:

Brain activity

It is no secret that there are diseases that affect brainwriting. For example, Alzheimer's disease is a serious alert that affects many organism systems. In the fight against them, reading will be simple and effective way - American studies have proven that the constant stimulation of the brain prevents the loss of memory and disorder the nervous system. The brain is, of course, not a muscle, but you need to train it. In addition to reading, puzzles, checkers, chess and any other logical games will have a positive result on the activity of the brain and any other logical games.

The habit of reading prevents memory loss

The habit of reading prevents memory loss

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Reducing anxiety

In the modern world, a person is daily subjected to a variety of stressful situations - at work, at home and even on the street. When you immerse yourself in an exciting story described in the book, it seems that the rest of the world disappears. You forget about problems, urgent things and relax. The hormonal background - adrenaline is produced in a much smaller quantity, so that the nervous system, without feeling the Bay or Run signals, relaxes.

New ideas

Many centuries passed before the books ceased to be luxury objects and the status of the status of their owner. Now literature is available to everyone - the book you like can be bought, borrow from a friend or in the library, and also free download on the Internet. If fiction works, rather like entertainment, Non-Fikshn and business books can give quite real ideas and practices that can be applied in practice. Now the mass of books for specialists - on photography, installation, lettering, drawing and a lot of things. Choose a work on your taste to accurately captivate them.

Learn and apply new ideas

Learn and apply new ideas

Photo: Pixabay.com.


It may seem unusual, but even silent reading can develop your speech by adding several hundreds of hundreds to the vocabulary, or even thousands of words. Especially if you read in a foreign language. The extensive lexicon will help not only in everyday conversations with friends and relatives, but also will show you as a competent specialist at work, thematic master classes and communicating with the company's customers. No wonder such business sharks like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, every day allocate a few hours on reading books. In addition, it is proved in practice that the habit of reading increases human literacy - it makes much less grammatical, stylistic, punctuation and spelling errors in the letter and oral speech.

Concentration and attention

Having used to multitasking when you have to do several things at the same time - to finish working projects, take a report to the manager, think about the dress at the daughter's matinee and the promised toy for a son, and not to forget about the husband and the management of the economy - to pay an hour to read it seems impossible luxury. However, you will be surprised by learning how much time you spend on social networks: about 3-4 hours a day, or even more, just imagine! Begin to get used to reading gradually - first read 15-20 minutes in transport along the way to work, then a little during the day or on a lunch break, and at the end of the day, before bedtime, you will take reading at least an hour. You will be surprised how your subconscious will change - you will become more collected and concentrated person.

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