Jennifer Aniston ruined the engagement?


Jennifer Aniston is pursued primarily two categories of rumors: it is reported that the actress is either pregnant, or broke up with his beloved Justin Tera. The first movie star was even learned to treat irony. She is somewhat harder to put up with the second. But now Jennifer will again have to undergo hearing a hearing of parting, as some tabloids once again stopped the Relief of the Star Couple.

A number of media reports that Aniston left the Tera because of his change. The name of the mistress of the actor and the director did not disclose, but, presumably, this is a certain girl from the set of the series "left", in which Justin plays a major role. Some editions reached the fact that they write Aniston, seeing a cunning ruiner in one of the New York restaurants, arranged a grand scandal and attacked her. And attended at the same time the tero was shocked from what is happening. Jennifer after Justin did not rush to calm her down, but expressed everything that he thinks about her behavior, decided to break the engagement with him.

Fortunately, all this publishes publications, which absolutely cannot be trusted. And although the actors themselves and their representatives still refrain from commentaries, it is possible to say with a lot of probability that all these sensational news are the next bad gossip.

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