Male lunch with female notes


Warm beef salad

For 4 servings: 200 g beef tenderloin, ½ tsp. Black Pepper, 1 Chile Pepper, 2 Cucumber, 1 Carrot, 1 Celery Stem, 1 Red Bulgarian Pepper, 100 g rice noodles. For refueling: 2 tbsp. Fish or soy sauce, 1 tbsp. Lyme juice, 2 tbsp. Sesame oil, 1 tbsp. Olive oil, 1 tbsp. garlic oil, 1 tbsp. Honey, 10 g kinse.

Time for preparing: 30 minutes.

Beef fillet across, lubricate with vegetable oil and fry from all sides. For refueling to mix and beat a couple of spoons of fishing or soy sauce, sesame, garlic and olive oil, as well as honey, kinse and Lyme juice. Cut the Bulgarian and sharp pepper, carrots, cucumber and celery. Mix vegetables in a bowl with refueling and drop a little lime juice. Rice noodles for five minutes to pour cold water, and then five more hot. Ready noodles add to salad. There is also a fried beef, sliced ​​with thin slices, and finely chopped fiberglass.

Vegetable soup with meatballs. .

Vegetable soup with meatballs. .

Vegetable soup with meatballs

By 6 servings: 2.5 liters of chicken broth, 300 g of stuffing from turkey, 1 egg, 1 turn onion head, 1 red Bulgarian pepper, 2 celery stems, salt, pepper, greens.

Time for preparing: 40 minutes.

Chicken broth pour into the pan, then put in it a whole bulb, as well as sliced ​​carrots, red bell pepper and celery. Ready turkey minced meat through a meat grinder, add egg, salt and pepper into it. Stir and shape meatballs. Take meat balls into the soup. Cook until the readiness of the meatballs and serve with any greens.

Cookies with almonds and cessies. .

Cookies with almonds and cessies. .

Cookies with almonds and zucats

Ingredients: 200 g of almond flakes, 200 g of sugar, 100 g of flour, 50 g of butter, 50 g of tangerine zucats, 2 h. Vanilla sugar, 50 ml of milk. For glazes: 250 g of sugar powder, 1 tbsp. milk.

Time for preparing: 30 minutes.

Mandarine Cuts finely cut and mix in a pan with sugar, vanilla sugar and butter. There we put almond flakes and pour milk. Put the pan on the stove and stirring, melt sugar. When the mass boils, remove the frying pan from the fire and gradually pour flour. To stir thoroughly. The resulting dough with the help of a tablespoon lay out on a baking tray eliminated by parchment. Bake 10 at 180 degrees. For glaze mix milk with powdered sugar and lubricate ready-made cookies.

Baryshnya and Culinary, TVC, Sunday, 10:05

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