Who needs a diet without sugar, or why do we pull on the sweet


Recently, a girlfriend said that you can make a test at home for the presence of fungi in the body. Is this feeling when after lunch still want something sweet? I confess, I am a sweet tooth, although I forbid myself all the harmful and hiding in the house sweet in the corners. The girlfriend decided to take advantage of the girlfriend and check how this technique works. From morning, an empty stomach gathered saliva and spat it into a glass of boiled water. In a healthy person, saliva simply swims on the surface, and the water remains transparent. But I, unfortunately, I have water, and the saliva fell into a precipitate, which meant the presence in the body of harmful microbes above the norm. Yes, yes, it is those who are always asking for something more superfluous and delicious to feed themselves. Check your tongue in the mirror in the morning, if there is a white flare, then you also advise you to test with saliva for the presence of candidiasis. Of course, more accurately will define a clinical analysis. But on the basis of my result, I decided to think about how to eat in this case, so as not to aggravate the situation and rather recover.

Based on general recommendations I eliminated from their diet:

- Sugar, honey, dried fruits.

- All products containing gluten.

- yeast in any form.

- stopped eating dairy products.

- Coffee and alcohol, naturally, also in this diet completely excluded.

Diana Khodakovskaya sat on the cantry diet

Diana Khodakovskaya sat on the cantry diet

What then do you eat, you ask?

I was lucky that I really love broccoli and cauliflower, which in our business will perform good assistants. Any greens also useful, especially effective arugula and celery. Therapeutic properties have acid berries - cranberries and lingonberries. To the gluten-free croups include: buckwheat, brown rice, film, amaranth, millet, corn. You can also add beans, nut, lentils to the diet. Do not forget about fats, they are in avocado, coconut oil, nuts.

Before you start a scam diet, check the deficiency of iron in the body.

And of course, since I am not only a sweet tooth, but also a cook, then I still found a solution and invented us a dessert, which can be poured even during a diet:

Pudding with pear and cedar nuts

2 spoons of chia seeds pour drinking water. Leave for night. In the morning add some coconut or cedar milk, mix everything. Add ⅓ soft pear, cedar nuts, coconut chips. Such a sweetheart can be all and without damage to microflora!

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