Carboxyterepia: Why cosmetologists believe that it will save the skin from aging


Women at any age wish to be attractive and desirable. However, sometimes it becomes scary to resort to injections and plastic surgery to preserve youth and beauty. Carboxyterepia is a novelty in cosmetology that allows an inappropriate way to achieve stunning results.

Lily Rabinovich, cosmetologist:

This procedure is based on the fact that during the reaction on the surface of the face a substance CO2-carboxy is formed. In this compound, oxygen easily penetrates into the layers of the skin, thereby saturating them. Oxygen removes inflammation, accelerates metabolic processes, pulls the skin. Due to the improvement of blood circulation, metabolism and protein synthesis are accelerated. CO2 helps reduce stretch marks and irregularities on the surface of the skin. Carboxyterepia is a bloodless non-surgical procedure. It is applied to rejuvenate and improving the skin of the face, neck, neckline, hands, abdomen, hips and buttocks. Carboxyterepia is prescribed when signs of premature aging, skin swelling, when there is pigmentation and dark circles under the eyes. The skin looks good immediately after the procedure: pigmentation is pale, the skin becomes elastic, small wrinkles around the eyes smoothed. The effect is very bright, lasts for three or four days. Carboxherapy can be made before leaving the light.

After the procedure you need less leaving cosmetics

After the procedure you need less leaving cosmetics


Valentina Slyusarenko, the owner of the beauty salon:

Carboxyterepia - alternative to injection methods in cosmetology. This is a new procedure aimed at getting healthy, young and beautiful skin. Carboxyterepia is very comfortable for the patient - it is based on a unique method of impact on the skin of carbon dioxide molecules. What results give us a procedure: the first is the vascular training, due to which the blood flow to the skin increases; The second is the restoration of blood flow, the active influx of oxygen towards cells occurs, as a result, the inflammation is removed, the scars after acne are reduced. Carboxherapy launches recovery processes. After the procedure, we see an increase in elasticity and improving skin texture, reducing the swelling, the disappearance of acne and black dots.

To date, carboxyterepia is one of the most efficient and, most importantly, safe procedures. It can be recommended by a large number of people, ranging from adolescents who solve the problem of acne and pedestal, and ending with people whose skin is experiencing oxygen deficiency. Very effective carboxyterepium with fading, prone to dry skin.

In conclusion, I want to say that in our time you can find a solution to your problems and preserve youth and beauty, without resorting to injections and surgical intervention.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications - diseases of the cardiovascular system, the circulatory system (this is usually in many procedures is contraindicated), open wounds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, period of pregnancy and feeding baby breasts, renal and liver failure, epilepsy or any other nervous system disorders, as well as individual intolerance. Since now there are many allergies, it is advisable to check before the procedure, is there an allergic to a particular drug. There is no age limit for carboxyterepia. With deep wrinkles, the effect may not be immediately noticeable, but the 3-4 procedure makes itself felt. If there are local acroice rashes with a pusty manifestation, then you should not break the integrity of the skin, it is better to use carboxyterepia.

This procedure can be combined with massage techniques. First we make a massage, then carboxyterepia - it gives a strong rejuvenating effect. Massage techniques can use any, depending on what kind of beautician owns.

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