Social networks - My home: Is there a way to get rid of cyber dependence


Most of the lives of many of us passes online: in social networks we assign meetings, find friends, future colleagues, the second half, at some point a person ceases to understand why he should be returned to reality, if there is a comfortable and safe, at first glance, an alternative .

Dependence on social networks is not yet recognized as a disease, but this state has every chance of becoming a diagnosis in a short time, given the speed of absorbing the Internet of our minds. If you do not solve the problem, the outcome of a long pastime in your favorite ribbon can be all sorts of mental disorders, loss of life energy, the destruction of social relations and many other unpleasant consequences. So how to deal with the desire for the hundredth time check notifications? Today we will talk about it.

Install Time

Remember how you do not want to do business that do not like: you set the time frame and try to keep them with all my might. Why don't you apply this method and in the fight against habit to scroll your friends tape? Let yourself check notifications if they are, of course, are not too important, once every two hours and spend no more than 15 minutes. Gradually, your brain will get used to the fact that more than the set time to do in my profile is simply nothing, you will even "hang up" and you will find time for real cases that it turns out to be addressed.

Make less posts

Make less posts


Translate Communication Offline

Yes, many contacts, especially foreign, are possible only on the network, but your friends, relatives and colleagues from the neighboring areas are quite accessible to live communication. When you understand that they missed a person, without long correspondence, offer to meet and discuss the accumulated topics and questions, do not deepen the correspondence, if possible, immediately appoint the time and go to the meeting.

Stop informing each of your steps

For many dependent people, social networks are almost the only way to communicate with the outside world. Likes, positive comments are increasingly spoiling to write posts and lay out the story of your path to the subway. Try to update your account for a maximum of two days, gradually you will begin to fill the time intervals in real life more important things.

Make a plan for a day

When you have a clear scheme before your eyes, you understand that while you do not fulfill all the things on the list, you can not go and speech about a meaningless leafing of the tape, so you will bother over the weekend to make a plan for the next week. As we said, give yourself a few minutes a day to check the news feed, but no more than 15 minutes at two o'clock.

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