Lovers and raw foodov recognized mentally healthy!


In many media, information appeared that raw food studies and vegetarianism were included by WHO specialists in a group of habits and deposits under the number F63.8. The reason for such an inclusion was allegedly the case of the family of raw foods in Spain, where parents brought children to the state of the coma, limiting them in nutrition. It was reported that such an act of WHO led to vegetarians around the world.

"Neither the main diagnosis group (block F60-F69) nor the category F 63.8 does not make differences between preferences to some kind of food. There is no connection between raw food or vegetarianism and mental disorders, "Tairi Jereyevik said the director of public relations. He also added that this part of the diagnoses called "Personality Disorders and Conduct in Advanced Age" did not change the last 17 years. A recent report that love is a mental illness and is included in the disease register under number F 63.9, is also not true.

"It is impossible to blame vegetarians so unfounderly. Food habits can be the most different, the main thing is that the power is balanced, "the head of the Laboratory of Analytical Methods of Food Research Institute of Food Rams Konstantin Eller. According to him, proteins can be obtained from vegetable food, just need to choose it correctly.

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