15 signs that you live with daffodil


Narcissism in our time is not uncommon. Around only the propaganda of egoism and taking into account their own desires in making any decisions, including concerning relations with a partner. Some people have love to themselves reaching the absurd - psychologists really consider "narcissism" mental deviation, which must be treated. We tell, for what signals you can determine Narcissus:

The whole world spins around them

In a conversation, your interlocutor says more than hears, is trying to switch all the attention to himself at the expense of eccentric behavior? The narcissistic person is easy to notice, because any of your story will turn into his side: "But I have ..." Even worse, if they will interrupt you and diminish any of your words, it seems: "No, well, you still have nothing. But do you know how it was? " In the absence of attention to Him, Narcissus is annoyed and passes to the offensive - it starts to speak himself.

In the conversation, Narcissus switches attention

In the conversation, Narcissus switches attention

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Imaginary confidence

At the beginning of communication it may seem that a person is really confident, since he has, what to tell. However, it was not here! A shown positive attitude, inventing interesting details in addition to the story - all these methods of attracting your attention. Girls who come into relations with daffodil, they seem incredibly attractive - excellent physical shape, well-groomed skin, excellent style feeling. True in the future, when the cards are revealed, the person no longer seems so beautiful as before. Yes, and daffodils tend to constantly change partners - it is important for them to see admiration in the eyes, and as soon as a person gets used to him and perceives meetings as commonplace, a narrowing guy quickly disappears.

Several personalities in one person

If at first Narcissus is the most cute and kind guy in the world, then over time he turns into a monster. The overseas psychologist Andrea Schneider proposes to identify such a person on certain behavior regarding you:

  • Ceases to appreciate you
  • Does not want physical proximity and avoid talking about serious topics
  • Less attached and does not particularly bored during separation
  • Psychologically binds to himself, blackmail by parting
  • Suddenly disappears without explanation
  • Projects narcissism on you - accuses to egoism and narcissism
  • Continues to give gifts, even in their absence - a way to disarm and finally tie to yourself

Violation of personal borders

Narcissus deliberately ignore the boundaries of other people without thinking about the negative impact that provide. Methods of demonstration can be different - at first he will ask you about small changes in appearance, then it will violate promises and obligations, can take personal belongings or money without demand. However, in relation to you a lot will not allow you - any transition of boundaries will end with a scandal.

Isolating you from other people

The main goal of Narcissa is to make you with your "slave", a faithful listener and a fan. Such a person can limit your communication with friends and family, control social networks and phone calls, the use of personal transport, distract from the hobby and even work, offering shifting all financial responsibilities to it. Moreover, control can be, as in a soft form, like recommendations: "I think you can not stay at your girlfriend, I'm worried about you," and in tough: "I see how she doesn't affect you - look, you have become too Often to be in clubs. "

Narcissus will try to isolate you from the surrounding world

Narcissus will try to isolate you from the surrounding world

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Such a person may depreciate your emotions, not to restrain and show aggression. He built a strong wall from imaginary confidence and feelings of superiority over others, but under the wall hid insecurity, fear, anxiety and shame. And you will never recognize it to the end - such a person always keeps himself in tension. The closer you come to it and more actively make steps towards, the more it will be removed from you.

They never recognize mistakes, but always take responsibility for success in any business. Even caught on lies, such people will make you be more likely to believe in your madness than in their guilt. In their arsenal, according to psychologists, several tactics - not only the addition of you, but also the game for the victim, and not the attacker. Unfortunately, you can even feel the guilt in front of them, but it is worth a sense in time to understand that you need to run away from such a person. At first, you will think that the wrongs should come back, but keep yourself from it - after a couple of months you will become another person and you will be grateful to yourself that we could go for such a step.

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