5 best masks to activate hair growth


Caps that create static electricity, dry air in rooms with central heating, lack of vitamins and all other flaws of winter make our hair with thin and weak. Strong healthy hair is an ornament of any woman, which cannot be said about lifeless liquid strands. To get a good result will have to spend some time and effort, but they are worth it.

How to make sleeping hair bulbs and make hair thick? Let's try to do it with home masks. You will need products that are practically in any house or adjacent shop, towel to bite your head and food film - for better effect.

Dry air made them brittle

Dry air made them brittle


Mask number 1.

I think many know how red pepper and mustard well affects the hair onions. The bottom line is that they cause slight irritation, thereby activating the bulb and provoking hair growth.

Mix: 2 egg yolks, a cup of kefir small fatty and a tablespoon of dry mustard. We apply on the roots of the hair. Slightly distribute in length. But the bulk must be at the roots. Head weching the food film, and then cooled with a towel. An hour later, I first wash off the whole cleaner with warm water, then wash your hair with shampoo. It will not be superfluous to rinse them with a decoction of sage or oak bark.

Hats - Naughty

Hats - Naughty


Mask №2.

Actively annoying hair roots and pepper. And the pharmacy can be bought alcohol tincture and rub into the scalp in the skin, and for a better effect, we use the next mask for a better effect.

Mix 50 ml of rapid oil and a half teaspoon of ground red pepper. Wrap a mixture in the roots and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly, take care when flushing your eyes.

Coloring - weak

Coloring - weak


Mask number 3.

So that thin and rare hair be thicker and thicker, the head massage is needed using warm oils. Take from those that eat or buy, what is the next oil like the following oil: ray, castor, almond, cedar or olive. Two tablespoons of oil across the water bath, add a few drops of lemon juice into it. Slip the mixture into the skin of the head within 10-15 minutes twice a week. The result will not make yourself wait.

Unhealthy lifestyle - dull

Unhealthy lifestyle - dull


Mask number 4.

A kefir mask feeds the hair well, in addition, due to the milk protein, the hair acquire a living look, become bright and elastic. Take a low-fat kefir (1 cup), 1 tsp. Cocoa, 1 egg. Mix and apply for an hour on the scalp.

Lack of vitamins - weak

Lack of vitamins - weak


Mask number 5.

Mix a cup of milk warmed up to 40 degrees, 1 teaspoon of dry yeast and a tablespoon of honey. Give the mixture in a warm, dark place for about an hour so that the yeast began to work. Apply a mask at the beginning of the roots of the hair, and then distribute over the entire length. Hold no more than 45 minutes. After washing the mask, the hair would be good to rinse the decoction of nettle or rosemary, but if they were not found in the farm, and water is suitable, a slightly acidified vinegar.

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