How to brew delicious tea


One of the most popular drinks along with coffee is, of course, tea. It is especially loved by us, in Russia. The drink is not only pleasant, but also extremely useful due to the high content of antioxidants. It would seem that difficult in brewing tea? No, there is also his tricks here too.

Tea is a whole culture

Tea is a whole culture


Freshness of tea

Time does not like the best way to tea leaves, both on both fresh and dried. The fact is that essential oils have a property break over time, and this, as you understand, is poorly reflected in the taste qualities of the product. Buying tea, count it no more than two years, and be sure to keep it in a dry place.

It is difficult to choose tea, so anything is terrible if it is already a decent amount of time, but the taste will change - this is a fact.

More places

If you brew tea leaves, they will be at least twice to increase in contact with boiling water, so take care of the purchase of a spacious brewing kettle

However, in tea in bags there is nothing slosieled. Nevertheless, lovers of bags are better to choose tea in pyramids, as they have more space, therefore, the taste is revealed fully.

tea in pyramids is much better than ordinary bags

tea in pyramids is much better than ordinary bags


Good water

Water for welding tea is almost more important than tea itself. It is clear that water from the tap is not the best option. At a minimum, you must skip the water through the filter, and the best use of bottled water without the content of heavy metals.

Water temperature

Continuing the topic of water: in second place after water quality costs its temperature. We all say that boiling water must be reduced to get rid of harmful bacteria. Only here boiling water will not be better reflected in your tea.

For brewing of black tea, water is needed by a temperature of 90 degrees, but green tea will not tolerate 75 degrees. So wait the moments three after boiling the kettle and only then pour leaves or sachets.

Do not pour too much

Norm for welding: 1.5 spoons for green tea and 1 teaspoon for black tea. Dark tea will dry much longer than green, so its compactness is higher. Lovers of strong teas can increase the number of tea, but the time of insteading the same.

in tea drinking the most important - environment

in tea drinking the most important - environment


The dishes must match

The kitchenware is also a key point when brewing delicious tea. It is believed that the best tea is in ceramic dishes, respectively, from here and went fashion for Faience and Porcelain.

However, glass teapots have the right to exist. The only contraindication for brewing can be considered metallic dishes.

Observe time

If you hold down a drink for too long, it will acquire a bitter taste, and everything is due to tanning substances. This tea will not harm you, but the taste will be spoiled.

Therefore, do not insist black tea for longer than five minutes, and the green is two or three. In this case, you can enjoy the taste without loss of quality.

Do not add milk

Pretty popular recipe we have tea with milk. However, experts argue that milk in tea, unlike coffee, significantly spoils the quality: the fact is that milk proteins negatively affect the healing qualities of tea, and the taste changes. But, if you are accustomed to this option - nothing terrible.

Add lemon

An additional dose of vitamin C has not interfered with anyone else. When connecting the useful components of tea with lemon catechins faster and are better absorbed in the acidic intestinal environment. In addition, lemon removes unnecessary bitterness in the very tea.

Moreover, not only lemon is worthy of your cup, and the orange and grapefruit will also fit.

Treat tea easier

Tea has long turned from the usual product to a whole culture. There is a huge number of clubs of true connoisseurs of this drink worldwide. Yes, and just tea can be a reason to invite guests and chat in a pleasant company.

Optionally buy the most expensive tea, because it is important not so much that you drink, but with whom.

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