Bright stain: how to deal with allergies for metal


Probably, many of us have discovered an interesting feature - it is worth putting new jewelry, as the skin responded to an unbearable itch and the subsequent campaign in the pharmacy for the soothing means. Unfortunately, the metal allergies occur more and more often, and let it do not bring significant discomfort, it is still unpleasant to face it.

In addition to contact dermatitis, there is food allergies to metal. Symptoms are comparable to the symptoms of urticaria or with light poisoning. As a rule, allergen is fish, red beans or chocolate. The thing is that it is in these products that in large quantities may contain residual traces of nickel, which is not "not friendly" and is not going to adapt to our body.

Nevertheless, the contact dermatitis, which becomes the result of great love for metallic baubles. So what metals represent the greatest danger to the skin?

Nickel. The main component, which enters most of the jewelry, and this applies to gold and silver products, but the most nickel is contained in simple jewelry.

Chromium. It is part of many elements of the decor or elements of life, but still we meet with him more often, again, buying jewelry.

Cobalt. It is contained in many cosmetics and hair paint, but manufacturers do not always indicate it in the composition, so be careful.

Copper. It is in second place after nickel on allegence. Jewelers often use metal in their works, and therefore carefully study the next ring or earrings before buying.

Feel free to clarify the composition of the decoration from a consultant

Feel free to clarify the composition of the decoration from a consultant


How to deal with unpleasant manifestations?

Unfortunately, in contrast to simple allergens, the metals are much harder to derive from the body. People's methods of getting rid of redness left by your favorite suspension simply do not exist, and the constant use of antihistamines cannot be called appropriate. All that can be done in this situation is to identify an allergen with a specialist, after which you will know exactly what components with you exactly "do not drive." If you choose the next decoration, do not hesitate and ask the consultant to tell you about the composition of a particular decoration that you liked the most. Even high-quality products may contain a significant amount of components unpleasant for your skin. Be careful.

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