To be or not to be ... a man: 6 signs of toxic masculinity


Be a peasant - the slogan, under which is brought up not one generation of boys. Moreover, the difference between the "real man" and the "real man" everyone understands: the first - the real brutal, with whom it is dangerous to cross on a narrow road - you never know what, and the second solves all problems with the help of conversations. He looks good, it smells like, it's not ashamed to go out with him. If you may look after the child. As a rule, such guys despise those brutals from the first item: they believe that all these Barber-Shops and Trends of Male Fashion are the tricks of cunning women who seek to take their place. The "men" prerogatives to lose their place in society scares not on a joke, so they are trying to prove their masculin by all means.

However, in real life, you will not meet the "purebred" representative of these types: Most men successfully combine the features of both. Periodically, the inner "man" is prey for both the "diplomat", in this situation, the man begins to show aggression to show his superiority. This phenomenon is called toxic masculinity. It is largely formed by society, which creates stereotypes about how "a real man" should look and behave.

in concept

In the concept of "real men" Barber-shops and boutiques do not exist


But almost always toxic masculinity brings a man some suffering, because he is hiding his inconsistency, which is ashamed to open people. Such men are prone to all sorts of disorders, stress and depression. After some time, they begin to interfere with even their family.

So what gives this the most "side" masculin in a man? There are six signs for which you will be easier to calculate such a man and decide whether you should enter into relations with him:

They share the duties strictly for men and women

Such a man is absolutely sure that the man has a number of duties that nature allows him to carry out, and others are not. Already bad. After all, it turns out that this stereotype puts a man before the fact that he cannot challenge. On the other hand, a man is not used to reckon with prohibitions. Such a situation gives rise to serious dissonance in his soul, which can lead to a protracted stress, if not solving it as soon as possible.

nothing terrible if your man calls the master, and does not work around the house itself

nothing terrible if your man calls the master, and does not work around the house itself


Ignore the emotions of your woman

Not a male thing is to react to female tears and screams. A man does not want to come to contact when a woman needs to speak out, thereby the man becomes the cause of an even greater tangler quarrels and misunderstandings. And what it can lead to a pair, you yourself understand.

Argue that polygamy is normal

In the men's society, the "real man" is necessarily sexually active. Let it just be in words, but to mention this in the company of other "men" is the case of the sacred.

If a man actually shows a rude interest in the opposite sex, he, as a rule, takes little care of his health, and it is difficult to drive it to the doctor for a preventive inspection.

They have a real male hobby

Some men furiously collect on the balcony kits of hunting knives, issues of famous men's magazines over the past ten years, sets of tools for the advice of the best friend. And they do not always need these "male" attributes. A man can face the very idea of ​​hunting, and the screwdriver robs him in a longing.

Let him understand that there is nothing reprehensible that he is fascinated by the author's film or the cultivation of orchids.

Avoiding family problems will not make you courageous

Avoiding family problems will not make you courageous


A true man woman is not a decree

Usually this situation is typical of families where people do not know how to plan time and combine personal space with duties around the house. In this case, a man begins to demand more freedom from his wife, even if there is no reason to demand.

Male is hard as flint

"A man is not crying" - another phrase that gives rise to a devastating process for the psyche, as a man keeps everything in himself and does not give emotions to get out. According to experts, the most common cause of deaths in the United States are male suicide. It's all about the depressed emotions that will be converted into depression, which leads to such a sad end.

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