Impeccable back: get rid of acne and redness


As a rule, the skin of the body has a majority of us combined: dry feet (sometimes even dehydrated), and the closer to face, the more fat it becomes. In itself, oily skin on the back or breast is not a serious problem - in the end, this is not a face that is constantly glorified and needs to drink. However, the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands may cause inflammation. It happens that with oily skin, the face is clean, without acne, but on the shoulders and on the chest their whole placer.

"Partly this is due to the constant wearing, which prevents the access of oxygen, can rub and irritate the skin," explains Marina Pirogov, a rehabilitol masseur, a specialist in the aesthetics of Astrei's body, - but it is mostly caused by internal reasons, for example :

- Hormonal imbalance: an increase in the development of androgens and dihydrotestosterone (DGT) or increased sensitivity to the sebaceous glands under the action of 5-alpha reductase enzyme. This can also include the imbalance of the development of estrogen and androgen, that is, female and male sex hormones;

- Follicular hyperkeratosis, or, more simply, disrupting the lunch of horny leather scraps.

Normally, dead skin cells must be deached independently, however, when the composition of the skin mustache, the flakes are glued together and clogged the rigs. Copying inside Sebum creates a favorable medium for breeding pathogenic microorganisms;

- activation of bacterial flora, in particular PropioniBacterium Acnes. These microorganisms are always present on our skin, but in their active reproduction there is an inflammation reaction;

- impairment of immunity. In case of insufficient immune protection, the process of inflammation occurs and highly active free radicals, damaging cells occur.

In deep layers of the skin, painful nodes and cysts are formed, after which traces often remain in the form of scars and dish chromium (no pigmentation).

Among other reasons leading to excessive fatty skin and the occurrence of acne are worth named the hereditary factor, strong or chronic stress, disorders of the GCT, unfavorable environmental conditions, the reception of anabolic steroids, as well as the abuse of "fast" carbohydrates and fast food.

Sometimes it is enough to reconsider your nutrition, and the skin condition improves significantly. To do this, it is necessary to abandon the products with high transhirov (chips, nuts, seeds, donuts, whites and so on), avoid products that dramatically increase blood sugar levels (potatoes, corn, white rice, white bread, pastry, soda) And also not to use smoked and canned food. It should be included in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, clean non-carbonated water, lean meat and fish, replace the frying on a pair or grilled trees.

Solar baths, contrary to the established opinion, not only do not help dry the skin, but also provoke even greater skin production. In addition, the ultraviolet itself can cause allergic rashes. All of the above concerns tanning in solarium. "

If women inflammation appear mainly on the back, shoulders and in the field of decolve, then men can "go down" on the buttocks and hips. But wherever they arose, they immediately want to get rid of them. And the first step towards clean and healthy skin is the right care.

Purification of oily skin

Any skin care begins with high-quality cleansing, which includes a soft exfoliation of horny scales. With oily skin and acne, it is best to use gels and foams with the addition of salicylic acid, exerting an anti-inflammatory and comedonolytic effect. For example, a foaming cream for washing Foamy Soap-Free Cream from Salises, which perfectly cleans fat and mixed skin, struggles with bacteria and microbes, stimulates cellular update. It is also useful to apply a special dermatological soap with optimized pH and fruit acids.

Cleaning the skin with scrubs is necessary with caution. If there is a lot of inflammation on the back, shoulders or breasts, rigid granules can only worsen the situation. But during the comedes (black points) they will help get rid of rigorous traffic jams. It is possible to stop at the abrasive scrub with the almond acid Mandelac line, which has antiseptic and anti-protein properties, not only cleans, but also tones the skin, aligns its microrelief.

Good service in the presence of inflammation or acne will serve a bath or sauna. True, for a positive effect, it is necessary to go there regularly. Under the influence of high temperature, the pores are opened, and the skin fat leaves "exhaled places". Enhanced blood supply stimulates metabolic processes and contributes to the resorption of stagnant spots and subcutaneous seals after acne.

Home care products

"Fatty skin in no way" score with heavy oily creams, which prevent the aging of the skin salon, "Marina Pirogova warns. - When choosing cosmetics, it is necessary to carefully read the labels and avoid funds that contain Lanolin, Vaseline, Wax, Mineral and Vegetable Oils.

Well, if among the ingredients of creams and other products will be:

- keratolics with severe bactericidal and anti-inflammatory activity (salicyl, almond, aoseinic acid);

- fruit acids (glycolic, apple, dairy), which increase the permeability of the skin for therapeutic drugs, moisturize it and stimulate the cellular update;

- plants extracts with anti-inflammatory, soothing and wound-healing effect (chamomile, sage, aloe vera, citrus);

- Antioxidants: vitamin C and polyphenols of grapes;

- Antiseptics (Camfar, Menthol, Mentilla Laktat). In addition, they are pleasantly cooled by the skin, remove the feeling of itching and irritation;

- Substances, absorbent skin fat and thrusting inflammation (clay, kaolin, silicon, zinc

and other minerals);

- Vegetable clarifiers (mixture acid, waterbutin), which prevent and reduce the severity of pigmentation after acne.

In the presence of many inflammatory elements, the dermatologist may write local antibiotics or retinoids. The latter prevent the formation of scars, align the skin, narrow the extended pores, but they need to be used with caution, especially in the summer, because the drugs based on retinol make the skin sensitive to ultraviolet and can cause hyperpigmentation. "

A moisturizing agent for breast and back skin is perfect for the Moistruzing GEL gel from Salises with pronounced sebugulating, healing, immuno-modulating and updating effect. Due to the presence of salicylic acid, niacinamide, zinc and plant extracts, gel reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and normalizes the cell division.

To calm the irritable and inflamed skin, natural vegetable components are needed, primarily aloe vera. In the HIDRALOE fund line, there is a unique HIDRALOE GEL gel, which contains 99% aloe vera extract. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, cooling and anesthetic effect, moisturizes and soothes sensitive skin, restores its hydrolyphid balance.

Professional care

In the cabin to improve the state of problem and oily skin, various peelings are used (glycolic, salicyl, almond courses of 8-10 procedures. They help to remove seborrhea and hyperkeratosis (excessive thickening of the top layer of the skin), align the skin relief, minimize or get rid of inflammation.

For the treatment of oily leather, seborlipulating concentrates are well suited, such as Purifying Ampoules ampoules from Natuvalia. A specially selected therapeutic complex reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation and irritation, reduces the pores and removes the comedones.

A very good result gives a course of masks or wraps for the body. Fatty skin gratefully responds to wrapping from Micronized sedimentary rocks force Marine from Keenwell. A rich set of trace elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, iodine, zinc, copper, potassium) actively saturates the skin with oxygen, stimulates metabolic processes, purifies the pores, contributes to the removal of stress and relaxation. Recommended course - 8-12 procedures.

Also, experts advise combining wraps with peels, especially if the skin is prone to peeling. For example, a good result is allowed to wrap with mud powder from the Mountain San Michel and Enzyme Peeling (MUD from Le Mont Saint Michel & Enzymatic Peeling from Keenwell). Peeling cleans and prepares the skin to the deep penetration of the active components of the powder, and the wrapping itself removes inflammation, reduces the thickness of the horn layer, saturates the skin with oligoelements and minerals, ensures exceptional therapeutic effects not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole.

Complex programs

"The Elite Professional Line Yon-Ka (Paris) has developed a special program for acne therapy on the body

With the use of highly efficient aroma and phytopreparations, "says Tatyana Zakharova, a beautician, a teacher of the MegaSPA training center. - For one session, as a rule, a procedure is carried out only on the same zone - on the back or in the decolte area. The procedure begins with skin cleansing with Laochk Lait NettoYant, which contains vegetable emulsifiers and borneol. It allows you to gently clean the skin from surface contaminants mixed with the secret of sweat and sebaceous glands. Then the Emulsion Concentree emulsion is sprayed with an Emulsion Concentree emulsion with the help of the Lucas Championniere apparatus. It consists of lavender essential oils, rosemary, geranium, cypress and thyme in the highest possible concentration, which ensures the antiseptic effect of these oils. Next, the deeper cleansing of the skin, which is carried out in two stages. The first stage is a surface mechanical peeling with the phytogel GOMMAGE 305. It does not contain abrasive particles, gently cleans, not injuring the skin. Thanks to Boreneol and white nettle extract, gommage removes redness and irritation, has an antiseptic effect. In the second stage, Active Micro Peel micro micropling containing pyro-grape and milk acid is used. It lines the surface of the epidermis

And prepares the skin to further therapy, ensuring a deeper penetration of therapeutic drugs.

After peeling, the beautician conducts mechanical removal of comedones and inflammatory elements, pre-napped the skin with DERMOL 1 concentrate to facilitate extraction, then compresses with an undiluted emulsion that has a disinfecting effect is superimposed on the treated portions. After removing the compress in the well of opened inflammatory elements, you must order Active Micro Peel and not flush.

At the last stage of the procedure to the area of ​​the neckline or on the back, a clay mask Masque 103 is applied, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The departure of the application of antiseptic and normalizing work of the sebaceous glands of drugs is completed: Juvenil concentrate with ichthyol and calendula extract (with Papul-Pustular Acne) or PhyTo 52

With rosemary extract (in the case of a nodal-cystic acne). To achieve an optimal result, it is advisable to conduct a course of procedures with parallel use of domestic preparations. "

"Care for the problematic or oily skin of the back according to the Gisele Delorme method allows you to remove dead cells, clean the epidermis, remove toxins, reduce inflammation, - says Elena Sukhova, a leading training cosmetologist Gisele Delorme in Russia. - The procedure includes fruit acids, energy massage by essential oils and algae wrapping. Cleansing care begins with gumada, which contains ana. It is applied with circular motions onto the back, and then washed off with warm water. It is then vaporization with the addition of purifying aromatic complex No. 3. After that, it is necessary to make pumps and drainage of the skin of the back, mixing cleansing aromatic complex No. 3 and silky oil for the body. After that, a mask with 3 algae is mixed with a lotion balancing with sea extracts and applied onto the back. Cover the spin with a spin and leave for 15 minutes. Next you need to remove the mask, wash off it with warm water and wipe the skin with a hot towel. The comprising stage of the procedure is a modeling massage with a milk enriched for the body with ana and relaxing aromatic complex No. 6 ".

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