Sergey Penkin: "I always knew that sooner or later Gnesinka will give me"


- Sergey, the entrance exams in universities will soon begin. Do you remember how to contemplate the Academy of the name of Gnesini?

- Gnesinka is a specific university. If for admission to another institution you need to know the formulas, have knowledge of profile subjects, then here at the head of the corner there was a voice. I prepared it. I did certain exercises, I was engaged in teachers, rehearsed the introductory works. A few days before the exam included the "silence mode". It was silent, gave a voice to relax.

- Did you really go to the institute 11 times?

- It's true. Because of a very extraordinary image, I did not take for a long time in Gnesink.

- How did you not drop your hands?

- I didn't have anything in my life just like that! But I have such a character: I am very impressive. If I have a goal, I will achieve it. From the selected path no longer minimized. And I am glad that my hands did not drop, and I did not return to Penza. It is not known how my fate would have happened.

- Do you remember that you felt when examined exams and when did you see our name in the lists of received?

- I always knew that sooner or later Gnesinka will give me. I had absolute confidence in my own strength and vocal data. I knew my level is much higher than many applicants. But the courtyard were Soviet times, their ideas about the image of the artist. I just didn't get into them. To each failure, I treated philosophically. He knew that my time would surely come. So it happened in the end. Yes, it was a long and difficult way. But it was my way.

Sergey Penkin grew up in a large family. He is the youngest of five children. In the picture: with parents, brother and sisters. Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Penkina.

Sergey Penkin grew up in a large family. He is the youngest of five children. In the picture: with parents, brother and sisters. Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Penkina.

- How did teachers relate to you? After all, they probably remembered you for 11 years.

- Yours faithfully. I probably was the most impressive applicant in the history of Gnesinka. I understand that the examiners could not go against the established rules. Too unusual I seemed to them. But you need to give them tribute, none of them have never said me that it is time to quit attempts to enter. I always believed in my strength and proved to them that the best.

- Have you got confused or, on the contrary, sorry?

- Perhaps someone said something behind something. But I was always absolutely anyway. There was a goal, I walked to her.

- Advise current applicants, how to avoid despair in case of failure?

- The most important thing is to believe in yourself and your strength. If something failed from the first time, but there is a dream, there is a big goal, in no case to give up them. Start working in the field of future specialty, gain experience and re-storm the top.

- Have you believed when you learned what they did?

- I remember perfectly when I approached the lists of received. I read it on the machine, I saw the surname of Penkin and went further on his affairs. Only on the threshold of the academy in the head an explosion occurred: "Penkin !!! ENTERED!!!" Of course, it was one of the happiest days in my life.

From 1979 to 1981, Sergey served in the army. In the military ensemble played on plates. He requested about transfer to Afghanistan, but received a refusal. Delivered to the title of sergeant artillery. The picture is right. Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Penkina.

From 1979 to 1981, Sergey served in the army. In the military ensemble played on plates. He requested about transfer to Afghanistan, but received a refusal. Delivered to the title of sergeant artillery. The picture is right. Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Penkina.

- How noted your arrival?

- There was no time to celebrate. I had a lot of work to be done. After some time I went to the family in Penza. And here we have already staged a real holiday.

- Next year will be 30 years since your arrival in Gnesink. And you yourself celebrate the 55th anniversary. There are already some ideas, how will you celebrate these dates?

- For the artist, the most accurate happiness is to celebrate the birthday on stage along with your viewer. My big solo concert is preparing. There will be a very interesting live program. The best songs, unusual duets, premieres. Be sure to come, I invite everyone.

- 55 years old - for you serious age?

- We are so many years as we feel. In the soul, I do not more than 25. Of course, you can not get anywhere from biological age. But I feel pretty organically in it. Beautiful date, two fives. But this is not the time to summarize. I have something to say that to sing.

1981. Graduation in the Penza Music School. After that, Penkina (in the foreground) began a long period of conquest of the Gnesinsky Institute. Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Penkina.

1981. Graduation in the Penza Music School. After that, Penkina (in the foreground) began a long period of conquest of the Gnesinsky Institute. Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Penkina.

- Somehow, Yuri Nikulina was asked what old age. And he replied: "Old age is when you can't wash my legs in the sink." In your opinion, when old age is coming for a person? After all, some and 30 years are real old men.

"I think the old age comes at that moment when interest in life disappears, a desire to learn every day and discover something new. I'm fine with this. I live brightly, I meet with new people, I find new emotions. I am interested in this world. I love life.

- Sergey, you look great. But most importantly, you are young in spirit. Tell your secret of youth.

- The soul will get angry and envy. I crossed out these emotions from my life for a long time. The state of our soul, our thoughts, a positive attitude to life - all this affects both appearance. And if there are some small disadvantages, sport and diet helps to cope with them.

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