How to understand you: the male love is different from the female


Most of the problems in our relationships with their half are due to misunderstanding, which is determined by the difference in the approach to building relationships. A woman often expects the same manifestations of attachment and love who is capable of the same manifestations, but expected, a man cannot give the expected, but all because he has its own ways to express feelings, incomprehensible to women's consciousness. So what are these mysterious men different? We will try to figure out.

More contact

The theory "Woman loves her ears, and man's eyes" does not need confirmation. If a serious feeling is impossible for excellent sex without constant emotional contact, then a man is important to feel physically to feel physically. That is why there are claims of women like: "Why are you not talking to me?", "Do you need only sex from me?" No, not only. But physical intimacy means for the male half much more than for a woman, and therefore the partner does not stand in sexual dependence - it is necessary for him.

What are you thinking about?

It is no secret that thinking of men and women is radically different, the same applies to love relationships. Most conflicts occur due to the banal misunderstanding of partners. A man thinks about such a scheme: defines the object, thinks out the action plan, proceeds to execution. A similar course of thought is needed by a good hunter, today the woman who needs to be conquered in the position of "mining". A woman, in turn, cannot do without emotions, connecting all his fantasy and figurative thinking, it is worth a man just to look in her direction. A man cannot act if he has no serious justification.

not every man is ready to express his feelings openly

not every man is ready to express his feelings openly


And here parents?

In fact, the upbringing and family foundations play a huge role when it comes to solving love issues. It is not worth talking how different the upbringing of boys and girls is, therefore, becoming older, now there are already men, not the boys, try to adhere to the usual obstacles: no emotions and tears, the manifestation of feelings - the lot of women. So do not think that your partner is an unmarried tender that ignores you maybe he is simply not used to expressing emotions openly.

I am free

In terms of living in the big city, freedom is required both a man and a woman. Of course, it is not about free relations, but about rest from each other. It is important not to squeeze the "household removal" on the neck of a man. If he wants to meet with friends, in most cases, the situation is exactly the case. Men do not live the thought of treasures if your partner spoke about the weekend plans, in which his friends appear, do not rush hysterics and prohibit exits without you. Let your man switch to your attention to return to you with new forces.

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