How are Star Moms lose weight after childbirth?


Singer Elena Temnikov Surprised fans, dropping 18 kg after a month and a half. According to Dameman, in this case regular physical exertion, proper nutrition and hardware cosmetology helped her.

Elena Temnikov told and showed fans how losing weight after childbirth. Photo:

Elena Temnikov told and showed fans how losing weight after childbirth. Photo:

BUT Natalia Podolskaya Beats all records of weight loss speeds: after 2 weeks after childbirth, the singer looks just like to them. The singer quickly returned her former forms due to the diet during pregnancy and the active lifestyle for Natalia.

Natalia Podolskaya very quickly came to the form after childbirth. Photo:

Natalia Podolskaya very quickly came to the form after childbirth. Photo:

Large mother Polina Dibrova leads an active weight fighting. Despite the fact that over the past five years, the wife of the famous TV presenter Dmitry Dibrova has gave birth to a third child, her figure always looks slim and tightened. Polina herself believes that before Ideal is still far away: in addition to the 6 already dropped kilos, Polina plans to lose weight for another seven. Dibrova recommends that all those who have given birth to women carefully monitor food, make an effective exercise complex for themselves and use special corsets.

Polina Dibrova recommends tightening after childbirth in the corset. Photo:

Polina Dibrova recommends tightening after childbirth in the corset. Photo:

Anna Kalashnikova Lose weight after the birth of the son was helped by a nutritionist who developed for a young mummy a special weight loss program. Under the supervision of the expert, the girlfriend of Prokhor Shalyapin in 6 weeks got rid of excess weight - the girl threw 7.5 kilograms. It is not as fast as it turned out from the "colleagues" Anna, but the risk for health was minimized.

Anna Kalashnikova reduced the weight after childbirth with a nutritionist. Photo:

Anna Kalashnikova reduced the weight after childbirth with a nutritionist. Photo:

Singer Victoria Makarskaya The second time I received a star premium "Mom of the Year". During the awards ceremony, Makarskaya looked very impressive, despite the fact that only a month ago she gave birth to a second child. According to the artist, it helped to quickly regain their forms of former forms, as well as nutrition restrictions.

How are Star Moms lose weight after childbirth? 36060_5

Victoria Makarskaya for the second time received the star premium "Mom of the Year". Photo:

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