Couperose skin: Care rules to reduce inflammation


Cooperoz is the expansion and thinning of small vessels on the face, which leads to the formation of red vascular mesh or sprockets on the surface of the skin. This is due to the loss of the elasticity of the vascular wall and its ability to shrink, as well as due to the deficiency of oxygen in the skin.

Factors of development of Cooperosis:

Genetic predisposition

Lack of vitamins of the group B, C, E and trace elements: zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium, potassium - this leads to the fragility of the walls of capillaries

Hormonal violations

Inflammatory skin diseases - Rosacea and systemic red lupus

Frequent sharp temperature differences (bath and cold water)

Alcohol Abuse and Smoking

Do not forget about the SPF for the face not lower than 30

Do not forget about the SPF for the face not lower than 30


Cooperose care rules

The most important rule that need to be remembered by vascular mesh holders is to avoid any trauma of the skin. You can not use scrubs and gumages with large abrasive particles (bones of apricot, salt), you can not make intense faces massages with the use of tweezing, vibrating movements. It is also necessary to exclude aggressive agents with BHA acids and limit the insolation, be sure to use sunscreen. Cleansing should be mild: Micellar water is suitable for sensitive skin, foam or milk with panthenol. For deep skin cleansing, use an enzyme gel and masks with AHA fruit acids.

Also, you should remember that the face tonic, serum and cream should not contain alcohol (Alcohol, Alcohol Denat) - it destroys the hydrolypide barrier of the skin and adversely affects the vessels. Drinking alcoholic beverages also need to be limited. As part of cosmetic drugs, look for vitamin C, rutin (these two components strengthen the walls of vessels), vitamins of group B, hyaluronic acid, Asian, Fukus centela extract, ivy, seaweed, and panthenol.

Vitamin C strengthens the walls of the vessels, increases their elasticity

Vitamin C strengthens the walls of the vessels, increases their elasticity


What procedures to choose in the cabin

From the salon procedures, you can do ultrasonic cleaning, avoiding the cooperosis area, local gentle mechanical cleansing and disinfect (cleaning with galvanic current). To eliminate vascular stars and meshes, injecting and non-removal carboxyterepia is suitable, which eliminates hypoxia (oxygen deficiency in cells), ionophoresis, electroporation with vascular concentrates, non-perjective vitamin mesotherapy.

If the red capillaries already appeared on the face, it is possible to remove them only with a laser apparatus at a cosmetologist.

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