Inflammatory process in the body: how to recognize on time


The inflammatory process is a protective reaction of the body, an immune response to various damage and the pathogenic bacteria and viruses falling inside. Inflammation in the body is usually accompanied by certain symptoms, ignore which is dangerous for life: Chronic inflammation can cause oncology, heart and autoimmune diseases. We will tell, on what disturbing signs in our own well-being you are obliged to pay attention in time and consult a doctor.

Why inflammation occurs

Inflammation in the body provoke not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also sugar, transgira contained in fastofud, allergies (for example, food allergies to peanuts, gluten, lactose), alcohol, overabundance of iron in the body, overweight and even old injuries.

Next, consider the basic signs of the inflammatory process that you need to alert.

Regular surveys help prevent the development of hazardous diseases.

Regular surveys help prevent the development of hazardous diseases.



If you wake up in the morning already tired, quickly tire, you have no strength on physical activity, my head is spinning and always want to sleep - this is the first inflammation indicator in the body. Such a state occurs due to the increased concentration of histamine in the blood - an organic compound, which is a mediator of allergic reactions and other inflammatory processes.

Sustav pain

Hold your knees, back or neck? These symptoms may also indicate inflammation. The relationship between rheumatic diseases and the Epstein-Barra virus, which refers to the family of herpesviruses is scientifically proved (the viruses of this group will be promised in the human body) and with a reduced immunite, various pathologies provokes. Therefore, with joints in the joints, it is necessary to undergo a full examination not only for Epstein-Barra virus, but also to other viruses: herpes of the first and second type, as well as a cytomegalovirus of a person. With elevated analyzes, the doctor is an immunologist or a rheumatologist - prescribes immunostimulating therapy, after which you for a long time will forget about the sickens.

Do not be afraid to see a doctor

Do not be afraid to see a doctor



The normal body temperature of a person varies from 36.0 to 37.0. However, the constant temperature of 37.2-37.5 may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process and is called subfebrile. Often, people ignore such, at first glance, a slight increase in body temperature in the absence of other symptoms, which further leads to aggravation of inflammation. Such a temperature may indicate purulent skin neoplasms: atheroma, furunculae and carbuncules, as well as other dangerous diseases: venereal, oncological, infectious and fungal. The earlier you consult a doctor, the less likely to occur complications.

Analyzes that are also worth passing if the presence listed symptoms are:

Clinical blood test: when inflammation increases the rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes (ESO), the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes increases, the level of neutrophils is reduced. Biochemical blood test: in acute inflammation, the following important indicator increases - CRH (C-jet protein). It has been proven that the elevated level of CRH is directly related to the risk of infarction development in the near future. In addition, high CRH is an indicator of the presence of tumors, injuries, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases. The ideal level of CRH in the body is below the unit.

Never ignore bad well-being and pay for medical attention in time.

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