"Ambulance" did not have time to me


Dreams broadcast in our consciousness all that we need to know about the current life situation. More precisely of any grade or clairvoyant, they give us how things are going with our relations. And they do it in the top ten, metaphoric, without embellishment, even if we persuade yourself in life that everything does not seem to us.

Here is another example of sleeping our readers: "I am an apartment with a colleague. He is in the room, and I am in the kitchen, resembling the kitchen of my young man. I feel attendance and severe headache. I stand face to the kitchen "wall" - in front of me the sink, oven with a stove. I think that the pressure rapidly rises, and that in order for no blood hemorrhage into the brain, you need to lean your head over the sink, so that the blood goes to the nose and did not harm. I go to the sink, I fogge her - I feel that the blood begins to go, I see how she jet rushed into the sink. There is a lot of blood, and she begins to push his teeth. I feel bad, the head begins to spin, I hold on to the sink and understand that now I lose consciousness. I scream colleague, so that he would call an ambulance that I feel bad. He answers something out of another room, but I do not hear what it is. I understand that the ambulance will go long that pumping me, most likely, will not have time. Blood begins from the inside to push his teeth, flowing with teeth into the sink. As if I see a piece from the film that doctors climb the stairs, enter the house, but do not rush to me. I understand that I can no longer shout, so that they rush. I am already unconscious, and they will not have time ... the feeling that I am helpless and can not save himself, but so close help is in a hurry to help. "

Sleep is replete with symbols, but let's in order.

The most powerful symbol is strongly current blood that does not stop, pushes his teeth. In ancient Chinese medicine, blood is considered to be the emanation of the soul in the bodily world. If so to this symbol and treat, then our heroine, falling into the world of his young man, loses his soul, power, perhaps even the will. Power is drowning while it is there, non-stop.

Teeth is another character. By the way, the teeth, as part of the body, are given to us to bite and chew food, which is definitely an aggressive act. The teeth first of all are the predator attribute capable of grabbing their prey, take their piece. In a dream, our heroine loses his teeth, and therefore, the ability to take their own, defend itself too.

Help colleagues. In a dream, she appeals to her colleague, probably based on their social ties, as a strong side of her life. Many people who succeed in work do not realize that part of this success is obliged to be unsolved personal crises and conflicts. It is the charged personal relationships pushing them again and again to invest in work, thereby weakening the alarm from unresolved problems. But, perhaps, this is not the case of our dreams, but in life it really has durable and resource social connections, resorting to them in a crisis situation.

Ambulance. When, without realizing it, we drive themselves into a dead end and a crisis in a relationship, it is easy to start to dream of a wonderful salvation. As if someone would help us all resolve everything. Many people resort to the help of fortune-law, astrologers, psychologists or friends, hoping that they would say how to solve everything magically and not suffer.

At the same time, the dream demonstrates the heroine that it is addressed too late, and also that the help is only not enough. It is her blood herself, it is she depriving himself the ability to defend themselves and defend himself. And what anyone did, while she chooses the path of "bleeding", no one can help her.

Sleep is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye! Frankly, if you are shooting such frank, honest dreams, then this is a reason for joy! So you are able to soberly look at yourself and the current situation, without trying to embellish it or soften. This is a sure sign that you are capable of ripe and adulted to solve your tasks.

Waiting and your letters with examples of dreams! Send your stories by mail: [email protected]. Decipher dreams are incredibly interesting!

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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