Alexander Yakin: "There is only time for a personal life at night."


- Alexander, you learn from Gitis ...

"I wanted to do to MCAT, a pike or a chips, but pleased with the fact that he got exactly in Gitis - he gives freedom. Not in the sense that they are released from study or some kind of "freebie", but that there is no rigid framework, as in other universities. In Gitis, freedom for creativity, and you can choose different directions.

- After studying four courses, they felt that the study went to help, it became easier to remove?

- Of course, I purchased more practical skills. In theatrical universities, all in practice. Today I look different, I think how I played differently.

- And your first shooting in the "greenhouse effect" Valery Ahadov remembers at the age of 14?

- The first shooting I remember many. And the director was very good - she talked with me for a long time, explained how to work with the camera. I didn't know anything before that. Then, it was my main role, and this work in many respects became for me in the future base.

- Wide fame to you came after the series "Happy together" - could you assume that he would be your business card for such a long time?

- I did not even suspect. Moreover, I was not compared to something: then we walked only that "my beautiful nanny". I did not know that "happy together" will be a "long-playing project" and the role of Roma Bukina will become for me, roughly speaking, stamp. But now the series "Eighties" was a completely different job, another hero. So it is possible to implement. Of course, in a serious movie I am unlikely to be called soon, because I still associate with Roma Bukin. But, it seems to me that the "eighties" still shot down this stamp slightly. Then, I'm still studying at the institute, we put the performances there, in parallel I am shooting. There is little free time, and there are many from what to refuse, because I understand that I do not have enough time to do it well.

Alexander Yakin:

Roma Bukina from "Happy Together" brought Alexander Yakina popularity. Photo: photoxpress.

- From seven years, you played a children's theater in Native Chekhov. Did you see the talent of your parents?

- In childhood, in 5-6 years, I went to choreography, and there I noticed the director of the Children's Theater. Our town is small, everyone knows each other, and he suggested my mom: "Do you want your son to participate in production?" She agreed. I first did not want, but then I liked it. And when he graduated from school, I had no choice where to do. I still support relationships with the guys from the children's theater who come there to play, and I do not forget our first friends.

- Your childhood was in the 1990s, when in the cinema we had a stagnation in the country. What films did you grow?

- I revised the actual all Soviet films about the war - I was wondering how the boy. In general, different: and the "godfather", and "Star Wars", I really liked Jim Carrie, I had magazines with the films "Mask", "Ace Ventura." But certain pictures that have become "textbooks" for me, I can not call.

- And how would your childhood be characterized?

- I had a very good childhood. We traveled with the theater studio to different festivals, watched Moscow performances. In parallel, I played football for the national team of the city, I had enough time to combine. And walked. So I had a full-fledged childhood.

Alexander Yakin:

Recently, the actor secured his success with the work in the series "Eighties".

- Football, it seems, and now remains your hobby?

- Yes, I am a fan, from seven years I have been sick for the Moscow "Spartak". And now, when it succeeds, I try to play football every Saturday. Before filming in "Happy Together" I was engaged in football every other day, three times a week, and on Saturday there was a game. Now it turns out less often, but still I do not throw it.

- You have become early since ...

- Yes, since I left my parents. 15-16 years. Now I live in Moscow one, I remove the apartment.

- I have not worked on your own?

- While I will save. Previously, it was not particularly thought about it when I was tolerant, but now I started. So in the near future, I hope I will be a Muscovite.

- How do parents treat your success? After all, none of them have a relation to the theater?

- Mom has been working in the city administration, dad - engineer, and step off the police. I think they are happy, but we do not discuss it. This happened not at one moment, but gradually. Therefore, when we rarely gather at home, we are talking about other things: about relatives, friends, about affairs.

- Is the time left for a personal life?

- Of course it is at night. (Laughs.) When people want to see, they will always find time to be together. I have a girlfriend, we are already for quite a long time together, I don't think about marrying yet, but I am happy.

- What did you determine quite early with a future profession, somehow helped in life?

- It helped me what I do what I like. It is interesting to me, so I am happy to everyone now. There is an opportunity to do something yourself, get acquainted with interesting people. And if this profession, I will burst with another. But I think, in the near future it will definitely not happen.

- At the end of the institute, it is usually distributed to theaters. I would like to do somewhere?

- Of course, you need to play in the theater, because it is a communication with a living speaker. I have a theater in which I really want to get, is already ready for this and would really like my dream to be implemented.

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