Prince William and Kate baptized daughter


On Sunday, the sacrament of the baptism of Princess Charlotte - the daughter of Prince William and Duchess Kate took place. The ceremony was held in Sandringem (England) in the Church of St. Mary Magdalen XVI century Building, where the princess Diana was baptized in 1961 - the late mother of Prince William.

The ceremony was attended by the great-grandmother of the Celebration of the Celebration - Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth second - with his wife Philip, grandfather Charlotte for the Father Prince Charles with his wife Camilla and grandfather and grandmother Mother Mother Michael and Carol Middleton. As well as aunt and uncle Charlotte - Pippa and James Middleton. Prince Harry, also coming to the baby with his native uncle, was forced to miss baptism, as it is now in Africa with a charitable visit.

The godfall of Baby Charlotte became five people. This is a niece Princess Diana Laura Fellois, cousin Kate Adam Middleton, School friend of William James Foreign Minister, Kate Sophie Carter and friend William Thomas Van Sturabeini.

During the baptism of Princess Charlotte dressed in a dress - an accurate copy of the baptismal outfit of 1841, which was sewn to baptize the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria. Photo: Rex Features /

During the baptism of Princess Charlotte dressed in a dress - an accurate copy of the baptismal outfit of 1841, which was sewn to baptize the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria. Photo: Rex Features /

The baptism of Charlotte arrived in the Millson stroller, which Queen Elizabeth II used even for his younger children - Andrew and Edward's princes. During the sacrament, the girl was dressed in a dress - an accurate copy of the baptismal outfit of 1841, which was sewn for the baptism of the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria. In 2004, Portnikha Elizabeth The second recreated this dress on the oldhenee, and since then it is used during the baptics of members of the British royal family. True, only her older brother, Prince George, and cousin Uncle James, the son of Prince Edward, who appeared in 2008, were able to try on this outfit. And the outfit 1841 is now kept in the museum.

On baptism, the prince George looked curiously in a stroller to the younger sister, smiled a lot and casually chatted with the Queen of Great Britain than he so mounds. Photo: Rex Features /

On baptism, the prince George looked curiously in a stroller to the younger sister, smiled a lot and casually chatted with the Queen of Great Britain than he so mounds. Photo: Rex Features /

And although the main acting person of a solemn day was, of course, Charlotte, her eldest brother, Prince George, managed to drag all the attention. The baby was dressed in red shorts and a white shirt with red stripes and in this form very much reminded of his father, who is in a very similar outfit in 1984 on the christenings of his younger brother Harry. The boy smiled a lot, sometimes tormented to escape somewhere, curiously looked into the stroller to his sister, it casually chatted with the Queen of Great Britain - in general, he behaved very directly, as she likes the baby, who will soon be two years old.

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