How to make a flight with a child comfortable for everyone


Literally recently, a photo of a gift set and notes, where a young mother, first flew by the child, asked for the first time, asked passengers to be indulgent, and herself promised to do everything possible so that the kid would not cry. You are unlikely to succeed in providing the entire flight with sets from Beros and sweets, like her, but to prevent possible problems quite real. We tell with what you can encounter during the flight and how to eliminate the trouble.

Take care of nutrition

We suggest you to take on board exactly a backpack - he frees his hands, which is especially important until the child knows how to walk. In the road bag, fold the necessary food and drinks - it is better to take fruit and vegetable puree in soft packs on a spinning lid, additionally take snacks - cut apples, banana, soft baby cookies and drying. At the inspection of families with children, almost always allow to carry food and drinks in an unlimited volume, so it is better to take a little more in case the baby will play an appetite. For older children, the airline offers a separate menus - order it when buying a ticket or a few days before the flight.

Take warm replacement clothes

Fold in the backpack a replacement set of clothes - slip and warm socks, thin hat, warm sweater with a hood on the castle. The thermocontrol is often configured incorrectly, so it is better to stock up warm things than to spoil the rest of the disease. Take a thin warm plaid from the house, which will definitely be cleaner than offered on the plane. Do not forget about diapers or replaceable panties and shirts. For young children, disposable sheets can be needed, which can be seated on the chair in the cabin or shelf for swaddling in the toilet room.

The climate is not always configured correctly, so better stocking of warm clothing

The climate is not always configured correctly, so better stocking of warm clothing


Collect a first-aid kit

Separately there should be a cosmetics with the necessary drugs - vesseloring drops, hydrogen peroxide, pills against allergies, cotton, patches, antibacterial agents and wet wipes. Children are often crying during take-off and landing, because they laid her ears - it is better to stop the medicine than torturing the child pain, and the crock around. The flight attendants should also be a first-aid kit - ask their necessary medicines if you forgot something.

Calm dream

Another reason for the kid may be fatigue. In some airlines, you can order a cradle - you need to call in advance by the number of the hotline and warn you that you fly with a child under 1 year. In it, the child will sleep as in a regular crib. Also on the Internet you can buy a special device - a hammock for sleep, which is attached to the back of ahead of the armchair. Flight attendants usually try to plant families with children on free places so that you can put a baby to sleep.

Some travelers offer Lifehak - during online registration to book a place at the window and a passage in a number designed for three. Then the likelihood is that the third person does not fit. Do not forget that with minors you can undergo border control through the business class corridor - so you will save time.

Games and cartoons

If a child during wakefulness is passionate, he is unlikely to pay. Take a tablet with you to the plane with downloaded cartoons and games, separate several toys and books. Experienced parents advise you to buy a new toy and hide it to the flight: the child will pass to her for half an hour, giving you the opportunity to relax. Do not forget about traditional games - laying from plasticine, coloring, appliqués, etc..

Do not forget to take entertainment

Do not forget to take entertainment


Teach Manneram

The behavior of the baby is difficult to control it, but the actions relative to the adult child are accurately controlled. Explain how many hours he will have to fly and what he can entertain himself. Ask not to interfere with other people - do not shout, do not run and do not kick back in the back of ahead of the seating. Control his actions and make comments if it violates the agreed rules of behavior.

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