4 tricks of the perfect flight


Yesterday I sent my son together with the guys from school in Yakutia. Like any mother, I rebuilt, as I could, I even broke through passport control, only the customs officers stopped. Probably not only children are afraid to fly, but air carriers shared with some tricks.


The bus from South-West to Vnukovo showed 30 degrees overboard. Overlooking the asphalt site, we melt all 40. Tongue, we have added a language to the reception. Looking at us, the girl would kindly advised to take the window at the window. The temperature behind the aircraft can reach -60-65 ° C, which leads to the cooling of the fuselage. It is most felt in places at the porthole.


Nerves, overload, always want to drink in the cabin. And customs officers all bottles selected. But do not rush to take tea or coffee on board, take just water. Already more than once, the SES found pathogenic bacteria like an intestinal stick or golden staphylococcus in the onboard teapots. Choose juice.

Flight time

It is better to fly in the morning. According to experts, at this time turbulence is less. Why is it unknown, but it knows specialists. And for sure - the plane is cleaner. The garbage accumulated during the flight is often in the pocket in front of the standing chair. Overnight cleaned everything.

Place landing

Want to get the first food and a richer dish choice - you go ahead. Here you will get and chicken, and meat, and fish. But choosing places behind, you can count on a more careful attitude of the staff - after all, the stewards are in the tail of the plane and they are too lazy to run forward. The stewardess themselves explain it like this: it's easier to bring an additional portion of food, a bottle of water, headphones and much more and remain unnoticed by other passengers, which means to avoid other similar requests.

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