Psychologist - My friend: why not need to be shy to seek help


In the last years, ten psychotherapists, but more often - psychologists have firmly entered many of us. The rabid rhythm of life makes some particularly sensitive people go to themselves, which affects personal and professional life, so without the help of a specialist can not often do. And yet the very word "psychotherapist" causes tension: psychological problems we are usually discussed in a circle of loved ones, and not with an outsider. We decided to figure out why not avoid psychological sessions, if there is a need for this.

Appeal for help does not show your weakness

Since childhood, we are taught to cope with my own problems yourself and seek help from an adult only in case of extreme need. A person who grew up with a similar installation, considers any emotional bursts and complaints with nothing as a manifestation of its own weakness. However, it is important to understand that you are not able to solve every problem without an understanding of the work of our consciousness. The moments will seem to you that the problem is solved, although in fact she just retreated for a while. Psychologists and psychotherapists are designed to help you solve the problem, send you to the path of getting rid of constant stress.

not all problems can be solved on their own

not all problems can be solved on their own


Psychological health is as important

Many, if not most, consider psychological disorders only by a temporary state - because nothing hurts (physically). And yet no one canceled psychosomatics, the code psychological state begins to affect the physical. Strong disorder or dissatisfaction can lead to a very real ulcerative disease, which will have to be treated in parallel with psychological disorder. If you understand that you are getting out of the usual life due to the constant volatile mood, consult with friends and loved ones, perhaps someone came across such a problem and can advise a good specialist.

Perfect life does not happen

Often it seems to us that our neighbors, friends, loved ones live much better, they have no problems that we have. Such thoughts often do not give a look at reality objectively, we become nervous, in the worst case we start hateing people whose life seems to us beautiful. As a result - quarrels, breaking connections with sometime people important for us. A competent psychologist will discern with you the cause of such obsessive thoughts, you will look at the world with other eyes and you will understand what everyone has, with what to fight.

The most important change must happen in you

We cannot change the world as we want, but in our power to change your attitude to the world. The specialist will help you reveal your strengths and weaknesses of the personality, you will understand how to cope with a certain type of voltage, the psychologist will tell you what to pay attention to. The most important thing, the specialist will never condemn you, his goal is to direct you, all the decisions you will take on your own, and a psychologist will only control the whole process.

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