I will hit the cellulite massage!


There is a version that cellulite is due to a peculiar adaction of adipose tissue on female sex hormones - estrogens. In men, the concentration of these substances in the blood is extremely small, whereas among representatives of fine sex, cellulite is found in 80-95% of cases. The main cunning of the female organism is in the specific structure of the tissues, the form of fat cells (adipocytes) in women resembles bee honeycombs, while male - almost flat, and any changes

They are not so noticeable. The largest number of receptors responsible for the accumulation of fat is located on the hips, buttocks and stomach, that is, in the "Maternity zones", which are subject to cellulite. As for the connecting tissues, nature itself has taken care that women have elastic and puffy, which is needed to wear a baby. Another feature is that men's fibers of the connective tissue are located in the form of a mesh, while the women are lying parallel layers. The notorious "orange peel" is formed against the background of the deformation of fat cells: they will swell, become dense, which causes a number of certain changes.

"It is believed that the cellulite suffers for the ladies with overweight or he appears with age," says Olga Marchenkova, the cosmetologist of the company "Salon Cosmetics". - This is an absolute error. What we call the "orange crust" is found even in adolescence when the figure can correspond to the so-called model standards. The cause of hypertrophy, that is, a local increase in fat cells, performs a number of factors, including hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalance, reduced function of the thyroid gland, circulatory disorder and metabolism, smoking, stress, wearing close clothes, improper nutrition. Another major factor in the development of cellulite is hypodynamine, which leads to a violation of microcirculation, LYMFY stagnation, exchange products, reduce the intensity of venous outflow from the lower extremities, which creates very favorable conditions for the development of "orange peel". As for the age, it is not a determining risk factor, but rather additional, since about 12% of cases occurs during puberty. Nevertheless, the state of the skin is inevitably changing in adulthood, its elasticity is lost, and the metabolism is slowed down, which only aggravates the manifestations of cellulite. "

Aimicious blow

Most often, the presence of cellulite is due to several factors at once. But if it is impossible to influence the genetic predisposition, the main forces can and should be sent to the fight against hypodynamines and irrational nutrition. It is recommended to undergo a course of special anti-cellulite procedures, among which the absolute favorite is a massage course using certain cosmetics with a vasculating, lipolytic and lifting effect.

The first, where to start the fight against cellulite,- determination of its stage From this directly depends on the choice of both drugs and massage techniques. The diagnosis is hampered by the fact that in the first stage, when hypertrophied adipocytes begin to squeeze the surrounding vessels and capillaries, external signs are practically absent. Only in some cases you can notice the lightweight swelling, more resembling swelling, as well as the change in skin shade - it becomes grayish and dim. The second stage is also characterized by swelling, but more pronounced and, as experts say, "viscous". Changed fat cells are gradually sticking together, squeeze vessels, which aggravates hypoxia, leads to the appearance of hypothermia sections, and vascular "stars" arise. The notorious test for "Taking Fold" already shows the first signs of "orange peel", there is a change in skin relief. On the third, fibrous stage, the work of fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, as a result of which the effect of the "stitched blanket" is formed, soreness is felt, the skin on the touch becomes cold, partially loses sensitivity. The fourth stage is due to the encapsulation of adipocytes, which requires surgical intervention. Massages here,

Unfortunately, absolutely powerless.

"Conditionally anti-cellulite program should be divided into three stages," says Olga Marchenkova. - As the first protruding lymphatic model, aimed at strengthening the Lymph current, which allows to get rid of the stagnant liquid and edema, as well as accelerate the output of toxins. Massage techniques differ in their execution, but they are all held

Taking into account the physiology of the lymphatic system, so the specialist must have sufficient experience and ability to follow the principle of "not harm". If the procedure is carried out competently, several sessions are enough for the skin to become smooth and smooth, especially if you add it to cryoissage procedures. Especially I would like to note the vertical horizontal mesh massage, which is carried out using frozen in a special form of a cryoconcentrate, which consists of powerful lipolyts and angioprotectors. Contact

With preheated skin, the melting of the ice cube causes lipolytics to return to the solution phase and an instantaneous delivery to the skin of biologically active substances occurs. The irritation of thermistors leads to stimulation of catechol-amines and acceleration of lipolysis, and the change of thermalways causes vessel training and improving microcirculation. The procedure contributes to the correction of the figure, increases the tone and immunity, smoothes the skin. Optimal results are achieved at the first second stage, the course of 2-3 procedures per week should last at least 6-8 weeks, then supporting procedures are required once a week. "

Not so scared massage ...

The main way to combat the "orange crust" is the anti-cellulite massage, around which there are many myths. One of them sounds like this: "No bruises - no effect", which absolutely does not correspond to the truth. A competent specialist will do everything to minimize all the unpleasant sensations, paying attention to the preliminary heating of the skin.

And the notorious bruises significantly reduce tissue regeneration, which will only aggravate the problem. It is extremely important to remember that this type of massage, like any other, strictly contraindicated with thrombophlebitis and other venous diseases, problems with buds, tuberculosis and rheumatism

In the active phase, allergies in the stages of exacerbation, as well as during pregnancy.

An important significance of a specialist has an important meaning, because the illiterate implementation of the procedure can exacerbate the course of chronic disease, to cause insufficient mobility of the joints and even cause an allergic reaction. The masseur must know the anatomy and the physiology of the human body, the location and functions of the main vessels and nerve beams, the features of lymphotok, which is taught on courses lasting from three months to two years. Be sure to ask where the specialist was studied, ask to show all the relevant licenses and diplomas.

"In anti-cellulite massage, both traditional movements and specific, aimed at eliminating stagnant foci," says Olga Marchenkova. - Since it is aimed at the deep study of subcutaneous fatty fiber, ligaments and muscles, sensations can really be not the most pleasant, that is why an indispensable stage is the use of special cosmetics, which not only enhances the effect of the procedure itself,

But also provides the maximum feeling of comfort. An example is an anti-cellulite aroma of the PREMIUM SILHOUETTE body care from the company "Salon Cosmetics" - a multi-step set of procedures for the prevention and correction of hynoid lipodystrophy. The main component of the line is the extract of mycelial mushrooms of Shiitake, which has no analogues of influence. It contains a complex of more than 3000 components: amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, enzymes and awareness, including coenzyme Q10, antioxidants, trace elements and vitamins. The digestibility of these biologically active substances is about 100%, which significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions and increases the efficiency of the program. The series presents funds for deep purification, relaxing, anti-cellulite and cryoissage, active serums and gels for hardware procedures, means for wrapping, moisturizing and protection. The AromaPreasses of the series improve blood supply, adjust the figure in the area of ​​problem areas, contribute to the restoration of skin elasticity, create a favorable emotional background. For example, aromamaslo massage from the Anti-cellulite program Premium Silhouette The Salon Cosmetics company with an anti-cellulite effect is intended for carrying out classical and lymphatic drainage body massage, including in the procedures for the correction of lipodystrophy. The pronounced sliding properties of the drug provide a long comfortable massage without skin injury. Relax-cream massage with a relaxing effect is designed to remove the hypertonus of fabrics. A rich cocktail of organic biocomponents enriches the skin with microelements, improves the condition of the connective tissue, reduces the trans-readman loss of moisture. Due to the content of antioxidants, the drug contributes to the slowdown in the skin of the skin. The tool is a light emulsion with a gentle pleasant aroma, does not leave the fatty film and traces. A good helper in the fight against cellulite can be massage creams with a slimming effect, aimed at reducing the size of adipocytes. Such an effect is achieved due to a special composition of active fat burning components, among which caffeine, algae extracts, as well as some essential oils won particularly popularity. Thus, the Slim-cream massage from the "salon cosmetics" contains caffeine, nicotine acid, bile, shiitake extract, essential oils of sweet orange, mandarin, bergamot, lemon, geranium and cedar. Green coffee oil enriched with phytosterol, stimulating the production of structural fibers of the skin, improves the condition of the connective tissue, and also reduces the manifestation of stretch marksAfter the massage session, additional procedures are possible, such as wrapping using masks or original products. For example, a cytrus paste for wrapping Fat Burner from "salon cosmetics" not only corrects the figure in problem areas, burning subcutaneous fat, but also prevents the occurrence of stagnation of lymphatic fluid and capillary, helps reduce the level of lipids in subcutaneous fat tissue. "

All in good shape!

After the massage course is completed, it's time to take care of the skin. There is a high probability that, having got rid of the hated "orange peel", you may encounter another problem - loss of skin tone, which is an integral satellite of any activities aimed at reducing volumes. To correct this defect, there are both hardware procedures and preparations, using which you can at home. The honorable place in this list is occupied by wraps, including on the basis of algae, saturated with skin necessary vitamins and microelements.

"Wraps are best carried out in the cabin, although in the presence of certain skills you can cope with this and independently," says Olga Marchenkova. - Pay attention to the composition: there should be components aimed at improving skin tone. For example, the chocolate wrapping of Age Therapy from the "Salon Cosmetics" with an exquisite aroma of bitter chocolate activates the production of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans, provides effective lifting, gives a charge of cheerfulness and energy. Natural cocoa as part of a mask enhances the rejuvenating effect. You can additionally use various serums, such as serum Body Lifting from "Salon Cosmetics", which is a concentrate of lifting components: shungiti water, elastin, collagen, epidermat-o, rap, extracts of shiitake mushrooms, placenta, laminaria, fukus, hops, and also Ceramids and menthol for the final correction stage. It improves elasticity, tone and skin relief. "

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