Jasmine: "After the graduation son, first returned home in the morning."


- Jasmine, what does mom feel at the graduation party of his beloved son?

- I looked at this beautiful, adult and high young man and understood how the time was inexorab! I also recently accompanied Misha in the first class, and now he has already received a certificate! Moms classmates were still sentimental than, even cried out of the dignity, looking at their beauties! Misha returned home in the morning - this is for the first time. But I remember my graduation, I was also allowed for the first time so late, or rather, early, go home.

One of the touching moments of the school ball was the dance for which graduates invited their mothers. It was clear that Misha was very nervous, but he kept adequately. .

One of the touching moments of the school ball was the dance for which graduates invited their mothers. It was clear that Misha was very nervous, but he kept adequately. .

- Remembering the past 11 years old, can tell me: Help their son with lessons, how did they committed to independence?

- Of course helped. No wonder they say that we are going to first grade with your children! Misha studied on the "four" and "fives". I have no special problems with his academic performance. His favorite subject is history. It is clear that in graduation classes he has already been doing a lot with tutors, because it was necessary to prepare for the exam. This word scares not only the disciples, but also their parents. I even had to limit the stay of Misha in the network so that he would spend more time to prepare, and as a result she passed everything to good points. Mikhail will come in MGIMO.

Mikhail Semenduev with good results passed the exam, and now it is preparing for admission to MGIMO. .

Mikhail Semenduev with good results passed the exam, and now it is preparing for admission to MGIMO. .

- How is an experienced mom that you can advise parents of first-graders?

- I believe that the child should have a carefree childhood, which he will remember how happy. And not as an educational braga. But at the same time, I think that you can learn fun. The main thing is not to impose your child a failed dream. If you all the time dreamed of dancing or playing a violin, and your son flatly refuses, do not torment the child. Better fulfill your gap yourself - it's never late to learn! (Smiles.) Well, and, of course, gadgets. Without them nowhere, and they simplify their lives in something. It is convenient to find out some information on the Internet, find interesting facts and write abstracts. But it also has a minus - children simply go to the virtual world. Communicate with each other in social networks, and not personally. And as a result, do not know how to communicate with peers in the company. Therefore, parents still need to pay attention, how much time the child spends with a tablet computer and telephone, and limit. Everything should be in moderation.

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