Anna Grachevskaya: "Thanks to Artem, I finally smile"


- Anna, Artem, I wonder where girls get acquainted with athletes?

Anna: We were with a friend with St. Petersburg and went to the Basketball Match "Zenit" - CSKA. I have not been on basketball before, and my girlfriend was sick for Zenit. I looked at the game, and I really liked everything: extraordinary emotions, a lot of adrenaline ... A friend was familiar with the guys from Zenit, told who who is. And there I saw each other with Artem.

Artem: There are always many spectators, fans on the game, and after the end of the game, we communicate with many of them. Anna and I met our eyes, and I realized that this is a girl who I really liked, and I surely wanted, s see her once again, invite to the game, invite to dinner, for lunch, for breakfast ... and everything turned out. Seeing Any for the first time, I immediately understood: she should be mine.

Anna Grachevskaya and Artem Kuzyakin in Sri Lanka. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Grachevskaya.

Anna Grachevskaya and Artem Kuzyakin in Sri Lanka. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Grachevskaya.

- How did you continue to communicate?

Anna: We rewrite for a long time, were convened, and at some point Artem flew to Moscow.

Artem: I said: "Anya, do not try to refuse, I want to invite you to dinner." I wanted to see this look again ... At one point I realized that I could not live without her: I want to see her, hear a voice ...

Anna: Our communication began with a light flirt, because I was very afraid of a serious relationship ... On our first date we talked, they said, they said - and could not speak. We talked all night, met dawn on the sparrow mountains. Following the first date, the first parting took place. After all, in two days, Artem had to return to St. Petersburg. But we started to come to each other. Now we have everything just begins!

- Anna, your divorce with Boris Grachevsky received a rather strong resonance in the press. Probably, after this, it is not easy to build a new relationship?

Anna: I was, perhaps, even too careful and restrained himself. After all events, it is really difficult to start a new relationship. Moreover, I want them to be intimate, and not to put them out. Now thanks to Artem, I finally smile at a truly. It is terrible to make a day for the future, but now I'm fine, I am happy.

Anna Grachevskaya:

Anna Grachevskaya and Artem Kuzyakin: "Now everything is just beginning!" Photo: Personal archive of Anna Grachevskaya.

- You are already parents. Did it bother you at the beginning of the relationship?


I was happy to know that Artem is already two children. Why "Already" - because I have a feeling with Vasilisa, as if I raise five. Not every man knows how to handle the children, and I was struck, how much time Artem spends with them. He cares about them, brings up, knows what his children live, and does everything they are happy. I am sure that with my daughter he will have a wonderful contact. I will reveal the secret: Artem is able to braid pigtails. And Vasilisa loves to paint and make hairstyles. And I think that it is from the braids and their friendship will begin.

Artem: For me, when the child shouts in the morning, it is the same pleasure as breakfast in bed. When he comes to you in the morning, touches you, smiles ... I enjoy every moment spent with children: it's yours, native.

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