Preparing for a new one: 8 stages to change life


Sometimes it seems that the whole life goes awry - I want a throat of fresh air, and there is no place to take the forces. In fact, as psychologists emphasize, each person can find a stimulus in order to change his life. We offer several tips to help you decide on an important step and do not regret anything.

Understanding levels of change

Neuro-linguistic programming is unrecognized with a wide audience, but the science has popular abroad, which involves copying the behavior of a certain person to achieve its heights. Psychologists recognize this practice effective to carry out changes in life. In total, the model assumes five levels:

  1. Personality - Who you are? What social roles do you play in life?
  2. Beliefs - Why do you do this particular thing? What are your values ​​and beliefs?
  3. Responsibilities - How do you carry out tasks? What are your skills and methods?
  4. Behavior - How do you usually behave? What are the behaviors in unusual situations?
  5. Situation - Where, when and with whom do you use these behaviors?

Answer your questions

Answer your questions



A change in one of the levels can affect the remaining levels - just run the process. To change the behavior, that is, the level we usually aim when we decide to "make changes" into our lives, we often need to be aware of and correcting our fundamental beliefs and self-education to use new skills, and possibly support changes, By adjusting the situation.

We offer eight stages to start change:

Make a clear goal

You need to define specific goals following change. You must understand how it will look like - a specific image of you and the surrounding situation. For example, you dream to move closer to the sea - you should not only dream, but also adequately evaluate which house you can buy, where you will work so on.

Rate pros and cons

The coming changes will undoubtedly cause fear and doubt. Even if we are confident in their benefits. Fear of a new one can cause an attack of "self-confidence" - estimates of the usual behavior and the circumstances that we are trying to change. The only way to deal with this is to evaluate fears. Think what exactly scares you, and write down all possible disadvantages of decision making on a blank sheet. Also evaluate that negative may occur if you refuse to change the situation. Every time you are not sure in your abilities, the motivation will come to no, reread the list - it will definitely make you move towards the target goal.

Imagine all possible outcomes

Imagine all possible outcomes


Represent a result

Working with the neuro-linguistic programming system, it is impossible to skip the step of visualization of the final result for two reasons. First, it will configure you to positive thinking and will allow to realize that the goal is reaches. Secondly, you can more clearly submit what actions should be taken for its implementation. Visualization is a powerful tool for working with the subconscious, in which our thoughts and desires are "stored". Through the self-knowledge it is easier to understand the real goal, and not a fetched environment or fashion trend.

Check on "Ecology"

Thinking out the goals, you should make sure of their safety for the happiness of others. Aimed at destruction, not creation, they will give you the opposite result. Check can be done by asking yourself a few questions:

• What conflicts may arise?

• What thoughts, habits or behavior may not be reduced to your efforts?

• How will achieve the desired changes affect the loved ones - family and friends?

• What should you donate for the purpose? Are you ready to go for it?

• How to change your life to achieve the final result?

• Does the end result correspond to your basic values ​​and beliefs?

By asking these important questions before proceeding to significant changes in life, you will be able to save your time, efforts and secure from mental injuries, as well as make the necessary changes in advance.

Rate your opportunity

In achieving the goal, not only your motivation is important, but also available opportunities - money, real estate, vehicle, communications, skills, education, character quality. It is necessary to adequately evaluate your positive and negative sides to understand what areas you need to work. In this you can help the balance wheel - an effective practice for assessing all spheres of life.

Create a "digression plan"

Evaluating the possible negative effects of decision making, you can prevent them. For example, it may be a stock of money in case you "prit" with a new business or simply prepared response to condemning replicas of the surrounding, skeptically related to your venture. It is especially important to write such a plan if you are anxious person yourself - it will help you to reassure the internal "demons", forcing you to doubt our power.

Scroll to the points

Any serious change implies exit from the comfort zone. That is why it is important to consider steps in advance so as not to be at the broken trough and not to lose time in vain. Structured action plan, painted, will send you to the right path. It is better if for each intermediate goal you install deedlanes - the dates to which they must be completed.

Keep calm

No one will have more powerful support for you than you yourself. Do not skimp on love for yourself and try to pamper even for small achievements. On the way you will be expected not only to succeed, but also failures - it is important not to despair and continue to move forward.

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