There is nothing to hide: as treated for female heights in Russia


Today it is quite difficult to surprise someone naked parts of the body: we are so accustomed to freedom of self-expression, which is absolutely not paying attention even on those people who demonstrate more bodies than is accepted in society. However, in Russia, the situation was directly opposite: the woman was treated with a special trepidation, with the arrival of Christianity to women's clothing began to prevent strict demands - she had to close the body as much as possible.

Palf nudity

Before the moment, Christianity in Russia became widespread, many of the ceremonies of the ancient Slavs meant an erotic context. No accurate confirmation of the fact that at this time a terrible debauchery reigned, of course, no, but the naked female body in the pagan land was not the subject of censure.

A well-known holiday, beloved by the eastern Slavs dedicated to the summer solstice, meant active playing. We are talking about rituals to Ivan Khapov, when girls jumped through a fire. Naturally, no one thought about how "depraved" such an action looked from the side. At that time they did not wear underwear, especially when it was about ordinary peasants. It was also believed that on this night you can see a blooming fern, but only a naked girl can see it.

If the epidemic of an unknown illness was collapsed into the village, women undressed and went around the village to "run" to attack. Together with this, naked girls scattered grain around their homes so that the troubles would go through their home.

Nagishm's sleep did a woman extremely defenseless

Nagishm's sleep did a woman extremely defenseless


Probably the most famous ritual promising a fertile year - making love right on the field from which it was planned to remove the double harvest. If the sexual intercourse itself did not occur, it was necessary to simply undress and lie on the field for about an hour to convey its energy. It was believed that the naked body could attract the rain, thereby ensuring a great harvest.

Women who experienced difficulties with conception, the hangouts were punished to sleep naked on the lunar night, as a result the pregnancy was supposed to come in the coming months. However, with the arrival of Christianity, such rituals went into the past, as many tabs appeared, which were called to protect the woman from sin.

Nagishm's sleep does not promise anything good

Despite the absence of strict rules, the ancient Slavs did not risk sleeping naked: it was believed that at night a man defective before the dark forces, especially the women concerned. Therefore, it was necessary to cover the body with a night shirt almost to the pack.

The beginning of christianity

The appearance of Christianity brought many changes to the usual way of life. Even being married, the woman did not have the right to be offended in front of her husband, all intimate processes implied the presence of please. Sleeping was prescribed in a long shirt of both her husband and his wife.

Of course, today there are no longer there are such strict rules, but many have the opinions that sleep, and even more wakefulness in naked form - unacceptable things. Do you agree?

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