5 signs of compatibility in relationships


Esoterics believe that a person besides the physical body there are still six energy thin bodies. And if the pair is compatible at least two or three, it already foreshadows long-term and rather harmonious relations.

The first sign of compatibility: You like not only the appearance of the partner, but also his smell. It is not necessary to correspond to the canons of cinema or model business to be attractive: everyone subconsciously searches in the partner those features that are compatible with his ideal.

Second sign: You and the partner are on compromises in communication. If in a pair, one is constantly inferior, and the second oppress its line - it will sooner or later lead to the collapse of the relationship. A healthy compromise and mutual understanding are signs that can be evaluated on the first date.

Isa Bagirov

Isa Bagirov

Third compatibility score Get those who are ready to support each other and where the phrase "I spoke!" Repeats no more than once a year. If you are not only ready to help and support your beloved person, but also know that he will do the same for you - relationships have every chance of being harmonious and long.

Fourth - The way you decide the problems that have arisen. Disputes and discussions in a difficult situation are also needed. Only indifferent people do not quarrel and do not discuss - because they do not care what will be with a partner and with relationships. If your pair has a place for healthy, without mutual insults, but with intelligible arguments of disputes - you are compatible on the so-called mental body, which is responsible for your thinking and logic.

Fifth - You have a lot in common. Common goals in life, dreams, desires, hobbies open the perspective that your relationships can last all your life. But it is not necessary that the hobbies were only joint, because everyone has the right to personal space. But at least several of them should coincide.

And it is not necessary to forget that the ideal relationship is not only complete compatibility, but also a joint work, and the willingness to make a compromise, and much in common, and the ability not only to speak, but also listen. Even perfectly compatible couples can lose each other among lack of understanding and reluctance to meet, while even less compatible can learn to understand and adjust to preserve a durable and harmonious union.

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